The Percy Ficathon's Journal
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Monday, August 27th, 2007

    Time Event
    A gift for coffee_n_cocoa!
    Title: Parenting, Pancakes, and the Professor
    Author: TBA
    Giftee: [info]coffee_n_cocoa
    Pairing/Characters: Percy/Neville
    Rating: PG
    Word Count: 8000
    Warnings: DH SPOILERS
    Disclaimer: The world and characters are property of JKR, etc.; only this story is mine.
    Summary: Percy has been a single dad ever since he and Penelope divorced six years ago. Now his son, who has just started Hogwarts, writes to his dad three times a week, certain that he must be incredibly lonely. What he doesn't realize is that the cure for that loneliness will be one of his very own professors.
    Author's Notes: I hope you weren't hoping too badly for smut, my dear, because you get fluff instead. :) I have to say, though this pairing initially gave me pause, after reading DH it just jumped right out at me like a big pink fluffy cobra. So thank you for the inspiration!

    Parenting, Pancakes, and the Professor )

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