The Percy Ficathon's Journal
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Sunday, August 26th, 2007

    Time Event
    A gift for settiai!
    Title: A road to home

    Author: TBA

    Giftee: [info]settiai

    Characters: Percy, Remus

    Rating: PG

    Word Count: ~ 1400 without the lyrics

    Disclaimer: I don’t own Harry Potter and the Harry Potter doesn’t own me. I’m not making any money with this. It’s only a hobby. I do not own Green Day - lyrics either.

    Summary: Sometimes help comes from unexpected sources.

    Author's Notes: This is based on a fanfic of mine (which is in different language). It’s not an exact translation of it. This has changes (in characters and in plot). This is inspired by the fic and two songs: ”Wake me up when September ends” by Green Day and “Iris” by the Goo Goo Dolls. Green day – lyrics can be seen in the fic.

    No spoilers for Deathly Hallows. I hope you enjoy this little fic, [info]settiai.

    - -A road to home )

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