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[07 Aug 2011|12:00am]
home for an ellen page? and maybe a jason bateman for a line?
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[07 Aug 2011|12:02am]
[info]seattle More alternative pbs, please!
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[07 Aug 2011|12:03am]
psl or home? he's a high school teacher.
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[07 Aug 2011|12:06am]
all former ~hisses folk should report to [info]coven. additionally, a potential sirius black to plot with for future endeavors would be fantastic.
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[07 Aug 2011|12:07am]
does anyone play matthew gray gubler
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[07 Aug 2011|12:10am]
[info]dukes looking for an ex for a semi-detailed line. pb is negotiable.
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[07 Aug 2011|12:17am]
[info]gstate - Lines! I have a few ideas for both male and female.
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[07 Aug 2011|12:19am]
[info]hillies gillian zinser
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[07 Aug 2011|12:21am]
[info]hillies crystal reed, dylan o'brien, and tyler hoechlin for awesomeness
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[07 Aug 2011|12:26am]
[info]click lines & the like
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[07 Aug 2011|12:28am]
[info]hillies would candice be wanted for anything specific?
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[07 Aug 2011|12:30am]
rachel bilson free to a good home, any takers?
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[07 Aug 2011|12:38am]
[info]prtland Now that she's all applied, I'd love more lines!
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[07 Aug 2011|12:48am]
[info]gstate Lines with all the people I've missed. The ones I had lines with already, do you want to keep it the same or change it? Leighton Meester for a sl along with the rest of the GG people.
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[07 Aug 2011|12:50am]
I'm looking at you, [info]fangish... What females are wanted? I was thinking of taking in a human, but that can be changed if there are any interesting lines to fill.
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[07 Aug 2011|12:52am]
What females are wanted at communities for lines? Town/city, only.
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[07 Aug 2011|12:53am]
[info]gstate more lines? he has too much estrogen in his life so bring on the guy friends.
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[07 Aug 2011|12:59am]
[info]brnswick Ashley Greene (or [info]vlj to come back) and Misha Collins for sibling lines!
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[07 Aug 2011|01:15am]
[info]heatedsanguine Since it appears I've lost both my post and my notifications, is [info]bias still around looking for a line? And/or anyone else interested in an awesome supernatural game based in New Orleans! Lines for this drifter werewolf, or one of the first out-and-proud vamps, PB Matthew Bomer?
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[07 Aug 2011|01:28am]
we've thought about it, and we're now allowing challenges on positions!
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[07 Aug 2011|01:30am]
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[07 Aug 2011|01:38am]
[info]badgersmod more Teen Wolf cast, holds to come back and apply. and motivation to finish tweaking this girls bio.
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[07 Aug 2011|01:42am]
[info]surfz We had a nice slacker clean out, so a lot of popular faces open if you're active and just actually like to play then join.
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[07 Aug 2011|01:49am]
Zoe Kravitz pb. Blank slate. Give me some ideas. I will decide from there.
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[07 Aug 2011|01:50am]
Hoping to take this guy to [info]monologuing as the current Head of Medical. I'd love to be able to figure out some lines for him while I work on his bio. He's still a work-in-progress, so if you have line ideas, I'd be glad to hear them.
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[07 Aug 2011|01:51am]
taking this girl to [info]click. can i get an older brother for her? and friends who like to rave~.
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[07 Aug 2011|01:58am]
[info]monologuing more OSA field agents and medical folk (doctors, nurses and medics to be more precise) and civilians who are prone to do bad, bad things. it gives the OSA field people something to do. criminal minds and doctor who faces, please!
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[07 Aug 2011|02:11am]

Wanted: A close friend/crush/possible future boyfriend for this guy. Used to friends in school. Pretty much anything else is up to the player.

Prefered PB: Jason Faunt but open to possible others.
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[07 Aug 2011|02:27am]
[info]dukes more holds, a boy for an on/off again relationship, a best friend, and whatever else we can come up with.
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[07 Aug 2011|02:42am]
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[07 Aug 2011|02:42am]
[info]click brenda song and darren criss for specific lines please! also a female for a detailed and semi-dramatic ex line.
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[07 Aug 2011|02:52am]
Looking at either [info]gstate or [info]dukes. Lines at either one would help me to decide! ♥
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[07 Aug 2011|03:29am]
[info]gstate taking this girl in as the alpha chi omega vice president. marietta native, a junior in the fall, and too social for her own good. lines please! and [info]bluescrubs we need to discuss again, too.
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once more for the night. [07 Aug 2011|03:44am]
[info]gstate All of [info]ugeorgia's previous members and holds to come apply! Cam Gigandet, Odette Annable, Matt Barr, Alex Pettyfer, Leighton Meester all for lines. More lines in general because I want to know who I still have a line with who I don't... Some more Sigma Delta Tau sisters, a little, a roommate, fellow psych majors, and whatever else.
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[07 Aug 2011|05:15am]
[info]fangish I've got 5 ideas for lines that I'd be over the moon if got filled. Otherwise, let's plot some more because I'm just in love with this character.
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[07 Aug 2011|06:06am]
anyone from [info]prtland around?
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[07 Aug 2011|07:12am]
[info]surfz can I get her older sister, two older brothers and a someone she can crush on/future boyfriend?
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[07 Aug 2011|07:44am]
Would he be wanted at [info]surfz? If so, any lines, please.
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[07 Aug 2011|08:22am]
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[07 Aug 2011|08:37am]
[info]thealist Looking for a director/movie producer type with the face of Jon Hamm, Jeremy Renner, Justin Theroux, Sam Rockwell, Spike Jonze, or Timothy Olyphant for an ex/child's father line!
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[07 Aug 2011|08:39am]

The Mob

MODS  •  IC  •  Threading  •  OOC

Who is running the show?

Drop Box
Taken/Held Faces
Member Area

Black Mafia
Irish Mob
Those Other Guys
Law Enforcement
Everyone Else
Open! Second adds are tonight!
There are three main families holding their ground in LA. The Nishimura Family, the Robinson Family and the Callaghan Family. There is someone bigger, higher up than the boss' of these families. There has always been one person in charge. For decades one man has been moving people around like pawns. No one knows who he is or where he comes from. All anyone knows for sure is the leader of a family meets him once, the day after they take over their respected families. Even then, they never see his face. He speaks in a deep, yet soft voice. Unidentifiable. Whoever he is, he is feared.

Los Angeles has been living under his rules for decades, since the 60s. If things got out of hand, he would step in and fix it. If a boss wasn't sure how to handle a situation, they had their own way of contacting him. Never in person, of course. There have been rumors that his time is up. Too old to take the reigns and control the city. Some people fear he will give control to one family, leaving the others to have to follow under the rule of their enemies. Each family leader has been preparing their sons, hoping he will choose them.

The air is thick and tense. He has been the only one to keep peace between families. He took care of the Italians when they tried to take over, invading other families territories. All the families may not get along, but there is a sense of respect. Who knows if the next peace maker will do as good of a job he does?

When the FBI and LAPD make too much trouble, he comes in and smooths things over. When the men and women who have chose not to side with a family, try to make a bigger name for themselves, he talks them down or has them killed. LA will not be able to survive without him.

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[07 Aug 2011|09:04am]
Anyone pb Zachary Levi? You're needed for a super cute line!
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[07 Aug 2011|09:17am]
more males over at [info]surfz!
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[07 Aug 2011|09:21am]
[info]gstate calling all [info]ugeorgia members to come across. Gabriel here needs moar lines, please.
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[07 Aug 2011|09:24am]
[info]fangish need lines for this 74 year old vampire. he was pretty brutal and dark when he was first turned, but over the last 10 years he's calmed down and works as a protector for another vampire. lines please?
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[07 Aug 2011|09:30am]
[info]digbyfalls. I'd love to have an older brother for this girl.
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[07 Aug 2011|09:38am]
[info]blueridge his younger sister, and a receptionist for his practice.
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[07 Aug 2011|09:57am]
is there any interest in a game in pueblo, colorado?
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[07 Aug 2011|10:03am]
[info]ollivanderly could i get lines for this puddlemere united chaser? also, i would love a jamie bell for a fun and awkward line!
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[07 Aug 2011|10:06am]
your eyes do not deceive you, we renamed to ~uga, keep getting those apps in for tuesday
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[07 Aug 2011|10:06am]
[info]click pb suggestions for elena on the vampire diaries?
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[07 Aug 2011|10:15am]
ignore the journal, obviously. what girls are wanted where?
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[07 Aug 2011|10:17am]
[info]usa two females (heather morris, lea michele, jenna ushkowitz?) for a specific line, his older brother, a cute blonde as his younger teenage sister, people from new england, and anything else!
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[07 Aug 2011|10:18am]
[info]cityscape new city game set in bellevue, washington.
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[07 Aug 2011|10:19am]
[info]surfz Plenty of faces now open! Lizzie would love to see her older brother out of prison. He'll need to have dark hair like hers. Did prefer Milo V. But doesn't have to be him. He's been in a part of a gang with his Josh Hartnett best friend who is also in game. I hope someone is interested??
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[07 Aug 2011|10:22am]

She needs two more older brothers, older sister, parents, cousins, friends, enemies romantic interest, old boyfriends.
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[07 Aug 2011|10:24am]
[info]uga lines because i love not having to work on one of the shittiest days of the week! squee!
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[07 Aug 2011|10:26am]
Zoe Kravitz pb looking for a home. Also looking for a psl based on the movie Takers.
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[07 Aug 2011|10:31am]
[info]santabarbara more older folk, and a best friend.
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[07 Aug 2011|10:38am]
i'm interested in taking a woman over 40 somewhere. not picky on the place or the face. suggestions and/or someone to go with?
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[07 Aug 2011|10:38am]
Home for a Jeremy Renner PB, please?
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[07 Aug 2011|10:44am]
home for natalie? could i maybe get a jgl, chris hemsworth, or hayden christensen to come with for a line?
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[07 Aug 2011|10:45am]
Bringing this girl over to [info]thehudson. Originally she's from Myrtle Beach and went to school for Graphic Design. Anyone need any lines filled while I work on her bio?
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[07 Aug 2011|11:00am]
[info]peoria we'd love to get some more holds and get the ball rolling.
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[07 Aug 2011|11:02am]
home for jason momoa? his ex-wife and current fiance (m/f)?
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[07 Aug 2011|11:08am]
a home for him and someone to go in with so i don't feel so alone!
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[07 Aug 2011|11:11am]
[info]brnswick More males, even out things!
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[07 Aug 2011|11:24am]
who (female faces over 30, please) is wanted at [info]heatedsanguine?
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[07 Aug 2011|11:24am]
His little sister. His younger brothers. HP cast. A male best friend. Co-workers at the video store.
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[07 Aug 2011|11:24am]
[info]dukes we're open to holds! the application will be up later tonight.
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[07 Aug 2011|11:27am]
[info]uga more storylines, my old storylines, ashley greene, and annalynne mccord.
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[07 Aug 2011|11:31am]
[info]diagonuniv : a next-gen HP university game
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[07 Aug 2011|11:41am]
[info]cityscape anyone want to bring a group of siblings?
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[07 Aug 2011|11:41am]
i'd love some input on a possible zombie gpsl or game before i start getting anything set up.
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[07 Aug 2011|11:43am]
[info]fangish I'm sure she'll be applied soon. A few more lines doesn't hurt? Can I get a jilted ex that she left behind in the 70s almost for dead. We can discuss the incident behind that.
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[07 Aug 2011|12:03pm]
home for an ashley greene? willing to fill lines. town/city only.
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[07 Aug 2011|12:05pm]
[info]uga lines for her, she needs everything.
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[07 Aug 2011|12:10pm]
[info]cityscape aaron johnson, daniel radcliffe and tom sturridge for a sibling line with specific details attached. fellow nurses and hospital employees and more holds in general.
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[07 Aug 2011|12:16pm]
[info]fangish more humans (with or without supes), more lines for this aura reader, more apps!
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[07 Aug 2011|12:21pm]
i'd really love a slash line to fill my afternoons. hopefully long-term and based on aim. but other than that, i'm pretty open as far as pbs and ideas. does anyone feel lie brainstorming?
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[07 Aug 2011|12:35pm]
[info]fangish, help me decide who to play as a vampire!
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[07 Aug 2011|12:35pm]
next adds are Monday! We're a super fun and friendly game so far! Come join us!

Specifically for her I'd love to see her BFF (Kate hudson anyone?) And a few friends and acquaintances! (Colin Egglesfield and John Krazinski would be AWESOME!)
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[07 Aug 2011|12:37pm]
[info]dukes The Ron and Harry to her Hermione, the on/off boyfriend, a few close female friends, and lines with everyone.
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[07 Aug 2011|12:39pm]
Lines @ [info]thehudson, an Amy Lee or Kat Von D for a sibling, Pauley Perrette, anything & everything!
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[07 Aug 2011|12:40pm]
We've been around for about nine months and we offer a safe and comfortable playing environment, and a dedicated mod team. After a major sweeps clean out last month we're looking for dedicated and active players!
Next adds are tonight or anytime we have three apps!
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[07 Aug 2011|12:48pm]
hell yeah, [info]hillies. hungover and still whipped up a bio and applied. now line me!
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[07 Aug 2011|12:52pm]
[info]brnswick; almost finished with her bio. could i get a few more lines to go in with please? maybe a rupert or dan to come with?
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[07 Aug 2011|12:53pm]
[info]digbyfalls more males would be great, but I would really love to see a full cast of 20 in general. Jim is open to connections of all types for those who might need them.
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[07 Aug 2011|01:02pm]
home for a sandra bullock? i'm thinking faux celeb, maybe.
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[07 Aug 2011|01:03pm]
home for a selena gomez pb? lines are a plus
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[07 Aug 2011|01:12pm]
which females are wanted at [info]thealist for lines?
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[07 Aug 2011|01:14pm]
[info]uga crystal reed, tyler hoechlin, family, lines
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[07 Aug 2011|01:25pm]
[info]uga lines while i resist the urge to change my pb to one of the tylers (hoechlin/posey)
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[07 Aug 2011|01:31pm]
[info]dukes looking for an ex girlfriend, the girl he cheated on her with, and some members of his bluegrass band
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[07 Aug 2011|01:35pm]
[info]heatedsanguine Lines for this currently rogue, new-in-town werewolf. Other wolves, lions for an idea I had for a rex for the pride, vampires to go along with a proposed "leader" of the Enlightened vampires. Any- and everyone!
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[07 Aug 2011|01:36pm]
[info]digbyfalls his wife for a dramatic line! would love scarlett johansson, keiko lynn groves, mila kunis, etc.
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[07 Aug 2011|01:36pm]
home for a matthew lewis and amanda crew? no schools or super naturals, please.
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ignore the icon please [07 Aug 2011|01:48pm]
[info]hillies what males are wanted? and any lines with the faces?
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[07 Aug 2011|01:49pm]
is [info]ollivanderly still alive?
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[07 Aug 2011|01:55pm]
[info]thealist: more indie darlings, people from the view askewniverse(!!), directors, and more people to generally bring on the sass, please.
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[07 Aug 2011|01:56pm]
I'd really love to find a roommate for this girl. I'm applying with her at [info]seattle.
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[07 Aug 2011|01:59pm]
[info]hillies lines while i wait for my shift to be over with and adds to begin!
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[07 Aug 2011|02:00pm]
[info]badgersmod more faces!
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[07 Aug 2011|02:05pm]
home for anyone in the icons? i would love to fill lines or brainstorm something fabulous before going anywhere.
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[07 Aug 2011|02:07pm]
[info]uga would Kat be wanted?
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~goes to watch maid in manhattan [07 Aug 2011|02:10pm]
[info]uga since you all are evil, evil people (I'M LOOKING AT YOU TEEN WOLFERS!), should i go with ashley greene or crystal reed?
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[07 Aug 2011|02:16pm]
[info]oldharbor someone for him to make a connection with?
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[07 Aug 2011|02:18pm]
[info]uga tyler hoechlin, tyler posey, crystal reed, emily browning, joe jonas
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[07 Aug 2011|02:34pm]
Pretty sure where she's heading but supernatural options for Katie McGrath? Written as a self taught witch who can read minds but that can be changed. By day is a graduate student/bird rescure volunteer/language translator.
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[07 Aug 2011|02:35pm]
could i get some psls for him or maybe a home?
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[07 Aug 2011|02:35pm]
[info]usa awesome people for awesome lines, two best friends that he's traveled to miami with for the summer as a post grad getaway, a close knit group of friends that attended university of michigan, cousins, a roommate, two guys for specific slash lines and a girlfriend he came out to in high school that would be more like a sister now
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ignore the icon [07 Aug 2011|02:35pm]
would kat prescott be wanted at [info]thealist?
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[07 Aug 2011|02:38pm]
is there any want for a kristen wiig out there in rpland?
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[07 Aug 2011|02:40pm]
[info]prtland Taking this girl there! Anyone need a sibling line filled?
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[07 Aug 2011|02:43pm]
Town/city home options for Adriana Lima?
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[07 Aug 2011|02:46pm]
Since the community I'd planned to take her to is no more, Home? City/Town only. Please leave more than a community name; lines are a plus.
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[07 Aug 2011|02:49pm]
[info]gstate could anyone use pixie lott, selena gomez, karen gillan, mollie king or lucy hale for any kind of lines? sister, ex, bff, anything.
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[07 Aug 2011|02:51pm]
who's wanted where?
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[07 Aug 2011|02:59pm]
former ~hisses members report to [info]coven pronto! also, elisabeth vance and sirius black to talk plot with.
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[07 Aug 2011|03:00pm]
[info]usa a male and a female for an epic line (i have pb suggestions!), people from michigan, athletes, and other people.
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[07 Aug 2011|03:07pm]
what 25+ girls are wanted where for lines?
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[07 Aug 2011|03:10pm]
Any communities out there with Jackson Rathbone and Ashley Greene open?

Oh, and join [info]duvet.
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[07 Aug 2011|03:11pm]
Home for an Ian Somerhalder and a Miranda Kerr, separate writers but we come together, no faux celeb or supernatural please, and thank you.
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[07 Aug 2011|03:18pm]
[info]click needed lines: band mates, frenemies, ex wife, baby mamas, etc.
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[07 Aug 2011|03:22pm]
[info]santabarbara A couple of ex's for this 24 year old that her over protective bestie [info]tahirovic may have threatened or given a black eye!

A homeless Alex Pettyfer for a best friend turning romantic line? She's a blank state so I'm more than happy to discuss their past/age.
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[07 Aug 2011|03:22pm]
home for an alison brie? i'm thinking [info]cityscape but i'm open to suggestions.
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[07 Aug 2011|03:23pm]
[info]seattle more of her kids? (a+ if they're hp faces!) and lines in general! she's [info]georgemw's kid sister and long time something with [info]charlie_isaacs!
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[07 Aug 2011|03:25pm]
[info]sorters lines anyone?
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[07 Aug 2011|03:29pm]
Jayma Mays as this guy's best friend to [info]thehudson please. And if anyone plays Jane Lynch that would be awesome too.
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[07 Aug 2011|03:30pm]
Any communities have a Tom Hardy or Ryan Gosling looking for lines? I'll bring someone somewhere.
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[07 Aug 2011|03:43pm]
Looking for someone who Pb's Zachary Levi for a line with this girl at [info]sanfrancisco
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[07 Aug 2011|03:48pm]
very happy someone made a new home so come to [info]uga!!!
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[07 Aug 2011|03:50pm]
[info]dukes more male holds, a boyfriend or girlfriend, and lines with everyone.
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[07 Aug 2011|03:52pm]
[info]cityscape lines for a chef and eternal bachelor, more holds.
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[07 Aug 2011|03:57pm]
[info]fangish more lines for this guy? he's not very nice. he used to be pretty brutal and dark back in his early days, but in the last 5-10 years he's calmed down, trying to change his ways. it's hard and he slips up though lol
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[07 Aug 2011|04:01pm]
[info]click what males are wanted?
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[07 Aug 2011|04:08pm]
[info]gstate h'okay. those of you i don't have lines with, come at me. i need lines with you~
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[07 Aug 2011|04:10pm]
[info]click would someone be interested in pb'ing chris evans, jamie dornan, sebastian stan, ryan kwanten, sam claflin, armie hammer, brody jenner, or liam hemsworth for me? i'd be willing to make icons or help out with anything you needed.
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[07 Aug 2011|04:15pm]
More lines to go in with for this cocky, superior-minded power absorber civilian at [info]monologuing please! He's been in D.C. for 3 years.
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[07 Aug 2011|04:18pm]
Anyone want to see an Olivia Wilde pb anywhere? No supernatural or fandom, please.
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[07 Aug 2011|04:18pm]
We're looking for dedicated, active writers over at [info]crowncitymod
Specifically for this guy I'm looking for his Big brother/best friend and I'd love to see some co-workers and his boss!
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[07 Aug 2011|04:20pm]
going to [info]usa. gimme some lines.
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[07 Aug 2011|04:23pm]
I need a home for an Alex Pettyfer, what town based games are there?
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[07 Aug 2011|04:24pm]
[info]roommated if you lived here, you'd be home!
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[07 Aug 2011|04:25pm]
[info]thealist some lines to start off with, please! maybe a sibling or two, best friends, exes, and credit ideas for 2000-2005.
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[07 Aug 2011|04:25pm]
[info]fangish a fledgling or two (freida pinto for cliche reasons), people i haven't spoken to and more people to app.
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[07 Aug 2011|04:26pm]
[info]brnswick do i still have his PA coming in? if not, i need one for him. also another employee for his construction business would be great. a neighbor he has an ongoing feud with.
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[07 Aug 2011|04:32pm]
[info]uga If we don't have a line we need to fix that! I would also love Cam Gigandet for a line, please!
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[07 Aug 2011|04:32pm]
[info]thealist mary louise parker as her sister?
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[07 Aug 2011|04:33pm]
[info]thehudson. A physical therapist as her boss? A trouble maker for her to be attracted to?
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[07 Aug 2011|04:34pm]
[info]engage Mike Vogel, maybe, as her biological brother?
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[07 Aug 2011|04:37pm]
Anyone PB Kate Hudson??? if so I Need you for this girls bestie at [info]ilovela!
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[07 Aug 2011|04:39pm]
[info]bloggers sebastian stan, nico tortorella, blake lively, bonnie wright, rupert grint, blake lively, ashley benson, troian bellisario, shay mitchell wanted!
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[07 Aug 2011|04:43pm]
[info]badgersmod Tons of faces available. They're taking holds. They're not picky on pbs.
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[07 Aug 2011|04:44pm]
[info]dukes would anyone be interested in creating a breakfast club-like group of friends to take in? each of them would take on traits of the characters and we could come up with their backstory. also would love to see miley cyrus, selena gomez, justin bieber, joe jonas, and crystal reed all for various amazing lines!
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[07 Aug 2011|04:51pm]
would any of the following people be wanted at [info]usa? maybe to fill lines?
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[07 Aug 2011|04:56pm]
can i get a home for him? no faux or supernatural, please.
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[07 Aug 2011|05:02pm]
michael fassbender for a line of a darker nature.

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[07 Aug 2011|05:03pm]
who is wanted at [info]click or [info]thealist?
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[07 Aug 2011|05:07pm]
[info]hillies gillian zinser, trevor donovan, brittany snow, matt barr, katie cassidy, tom felton
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[07 Aug 2011|05:12pm]
[info]click a female for a line.
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[07 Aug 2011|05:14pm]
Next Adds Tonight - August 07th!

Rules Taken Holds/Pending Application

The Community is a basic PB city style game with a hint of faux-celebrity, set in Orlando! Our setting provides a breeding ground of diverse possibilities! This game is set up to be an online social network for your characters. ‘The Community’ is a great way for characters 18 years and older to mix and mingle. Our age cap is limitless as we would like to encourage a wide age range in the game.

The Message Your Character Would Read Upon Signing Up:
Welcome to The Community, an online social network service exclusive to residents of Orlando! Users of The Community may embark in establishing a personal journal, in which they can proceed in blogging about their lives, as they also take part in reading of other members. Members are also able to log onto the Café Express where they may introduce themselves along with share random blurbs, questioners, videos, music and much more! Make friends, dates, business acquaintances! The possibilities are never ending in The Community – and are exclusive to users 18 years and older!

Premise References Storylines Contact
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[07 Aug 2011|05:16pm]
[info]fangish i'm still looking for a tom sturridge to play her tyrannical anti-vampire twin brother. pb is negotiable. inquire within.
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[07 Aug 2011|05:17pm]
[info]brnswick jeffery dean morgan, please? for a very important line!
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[07 Aug 2011|05:17pm]
[info]digbyfalls lines while I hash out her bio
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[07 Aug 2011|05:20pm]
[info]thealist credit suggestions would be absolutely fantastic!
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[07 Aug 2011|05:23pm]
[info]bloggers emile hirsch, jay baruchel, sam huntington, anton yelchin, kyle gallner, meaghan rath, alia shawkat, mae whitman.
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[07 Aug 2011|05:28pm]
[info]uga lines for this tri delt, please?
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[07 Aug 2011|05:30pm]
i've been eyeing [info]monologuing! would a felicity jones be wanted for anything?
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[07 Aug 2011|05:32pm]
who is wanted at [info]uga? and, yes, i do want lines. hellurrrrrr
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[07 Aug 2011|05:32pm]
[info]click danneel ackles as myrtle wilson in the great gatsby, jared padalecki for a bromance, misha collins, sienna miller, erica durance, or anyone else you want to bring in.
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[07 Aug 2011|05:36pm]
[info]usa amber riley, jenna ushkowitz, kevin mchale, emma roberts, a male for a line, his siblings, people from michigan or new hampshire, athletes, and lines? and ~tart and ~treven!
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[07 Aug 2011|05:38pm]
home for an emilia clarke? anything goes and lines are a plus!
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[07 Aug 2011|05:38pm]
[info]uga a little for this alpha tau, and how about a few other friends who all made the jump from the womb to the university? also, someone who is just not fond of this guy at all.
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[07 Aug 2011|05:41pm]
[info]brnswick david henrie or someone of the like for a bromance line. would anyone pb delta the cradle robber?
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[07 Aug 2011|05:42pm]
[info]click lines, costars, maybe zachary quinto to be the teeniest bit cliche?
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[07 Aug 2011|05:48pm]
[info]fangish Someone to share bar duties/ownership with, her older brother that loves the family money, a vampire that's intrigued by her telepathy, a vampire to scare the shit out of her (for shits and giggles -- for the vampire of course), a human best friend, fellow Julliard graduates, and anything you can think of!
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[07 Aug 2011|05:48pm]
[info]prtland I'd love to get his best friend and/or bandmates in the game. An ex-girlfriend, maybe? I'm open to brainstorming any sort of line.
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[07 Aug 2011|05:51pm]
[info]uga, maybe? or anywhere else that might be lacking/wanting francisco lachowski?
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[07 Aug 2011|05:53pm]
[info]roommated Held the male part of the Three's Company premade, which is: Two girls living with one guy. Nobody is really sure what's going on there.

I'm looking for the two female roommates. We can work out the dynamics you'd like. Could be fun!
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[07 Aug 2011|05:55pm]
[info]thealist more rappers would be excellent! drake credits especially.
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[07 Aug 2011|05:57pm]
[info]surfz her baby brother, you'd get two other older sisters in game. her ex boyfriend and the guy she cheated on him with. past flings and exes. friends from when she was living in new york.
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[07 Aug 2011|06:14pm]
[info]fangish a student for my voodoo king (male, preferably) who is either a witch or a medium/psychic, vampires with various feelings for him (hatred, love, fear), members of the New York Chapter Coven, people who owe him favors (or whom he owes favors to), drinking buddies, and the girls with something against him from his player days.
12 comments|post comment

[07 Aug 2011|06:17pm]
[info]prtland lines!

1. best friend (probably from childhood) who convinced him to move to portland

2. the inappropriately close friend (slash or het) he's confused about his feelings for

and i'd love for either one to be his roommate!

3. does anyone own (or have a job at) a small business he could work at?
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[07 Aug 2011|06:18pm]
[info]uga who's wanted?
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[07 Aug 2011|06:20pm]
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[07 Aug 2011|06:22pm]
would rachel be wanted/needed anywhere?
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[07 Aug 2011|06:30pm]
Just saw Plant of the Apes and I would love a line against Tom Felton or James Franco. PB or Celeb. Over aim or thread. Hit me up if you are down for playing either or.

Comments are screened for privacy!
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[07 Aug 2011|06:38pm]
[info]surfz. Family lines! Her parents, her sister, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. Also, more HP cast!
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[07 Aug 2011|06:41pm]
[info]dukes lines please? some sorority sisters, a best friend, a sibling.
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[07 Aug 2011|06:42pm]
[info]fangish all right, i'm gonna work on her. lines with whomever i haven't spoken with - vampires, this is your queen.
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[07 Aug 2011|06:43pm]
[info]surfz. I would like to find this girls younger half-sister she didn't know about.
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[07 Aug 2011|06:49pm]
[info]uga all of my old lines to come back, and new ones please. she's a tri delta!
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[07 Aug 2011|06:57pm]
[info]click thinking of bringing in quinto. anyone need anything? im thinking he has david guetta credits
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[07 Aug 2011|07:06pm]
[info]thealist lines for this mildly out of control brit, please!
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[07 Aug 2011|07:07pm]
[info]usa jenna ushkowitz, kevin mchale, or amber riley for the line to end all lines. you would have four other lines automatically too.
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[07 Aug 2011|07:07pm]
Anything for a faux celeb Eve Myles? Credits can be changed if needed.
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[07 Aug 2011|07:10pm]
[info]digbyfalls Ryan Reynolds or Jensen Ackles for a line please!
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[07 Aug 2011|07:13pm]
[info]monologuing lea michele, darren criss, chris colfer, jenna ushkowitz, kevin mchale, harry shum jr., jayma mays, matthew morrison, jane lynch. more field agents and med staff. and especially heather morris and/or max adler for bffs for this girl!
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[07 Aug 2011|07:16pm]
still looking for some feedback on a post-apocalyptic zombie gpsl or game!
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