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[15 Jul 2011|12:12am]
[info]chicago_mod - men men men men manly men men men... MEN!
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[15 Jul 2011|12:18am]
Nick Frost?! For the love of all that is holy and contains an elevated metachlorian count, I need a Nick Frost!
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[15 Jul 2011|12:25am]
[info]brnswick Band mates, neighbors, cousins, an ex-boyfriend, and more friends in general!
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[15 Jul 2011|12:26am]
[info]monologuing jessica biel for an idea i have, please.
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[15 Jul 2011|12:32am]
give me a city/town home? something active and welcoming, please.
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[15 Jul 2011|12:39am]
[info]monologuing Can I find someone to play literally his opposite? John's father would have been a top guy in the Pantheon, the sort of harsh and critical parental figure whom every son aims, and fails, to please. His mother was also a Pantheon operative, but was killed in action. His parents' work was obviously demanding and required a great deal of travelling, so John was raised mostly overseas until he was old enough to be enrolled in a boarding school, where he was miserable but stayed because he was starved for his father's approval. However, in his late adolescence, he discovered that his mother's death had been a Machiavellian sacrifice made willingly by his father for the greater good. After that, he turned a bit crooked and later achieved fame as a supervillain. His ability is dream manipulation, and the opposite I am seeking would be his arch-nemesis in the Pantheon/OSA. His latest pièce de résistance was trapping his arch-nemesis in the dreaming world for fourteen days straight, but that also meant a self-imposed imprisonment of sorts because to awaken is to release his prisoner. This was something totally unprecedented, but the bigger implication of the storyline is that spending that much time buried in each other's subconscious rubbed a little of each man into the other's brain...permanently. Fun times, yes? I can revise his bio and switch roles so that John's OSA and your character is the villain, if desired.

Also, a little PB advice is needed. Someone who appears very tame and mild-mannered, but with some action-y icons because I'm a sucker for those. :D I've been looking at Jude Law, James McAvoy, Benedict Cumerbatch, Cillian Murphy and Burn Gorman. Anyone want to nudge me towards one, or have other gentlemen to recommend?
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[15 Jul 2011|12:47am]
[info]progeniture This guy's younger sibling is wanted for lines! We have three of the four Gambit/Rogue siblings in game and we'd love to see the last one! There's a couple storylines I had in mind but definitely open to ideas! PB choice is yours but suggestions available on request.

Also the Boudreaux kid, Psylocke's daughter, Nightcrawlers kid, Tag's kid, and either Beast kids are all wanted for lines!
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[15 Jul 2011|12:50am]
[info]rogerebert her ex husband, best friend, mmc costars, nicki minaj credits, lines in general
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[15 Jul 2011|12:56am]
[info]blueridge, what males are needed? or wanted?
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[15 Jul 2011|01:03am]
[info]brnswick ben mckenzie for a line?
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[15 Jul 2011|01:13am]
[info]augmented Her older brother for a line, please! I can give details and PB suggestions.
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[15 Jul 2011|01:18am]
[info]monologuing okay, so her bio is up. i'd really like to work out some lines, get her an assistant, maybe find an ex-fiancee or husband. she never knew her father so maybe a sibling that she is just finding out about.
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[15 Jul 2011|01:34am]
[info]monologuing Thinking about reviving this journal and heading that way. What faces are wanted? Lines would be great, but they aren't necessary.
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[15 Jul 2011|01:46am]
Zero hour is imminent, but need a co-admin to advise in last minute changes, chiefly in creative direction. The game at its core is about two spymasters from opposing sides of Cold War II who struck a deal to perpetuate a stalemate, in order to avoid full scale war. The operatives they control believe they're fighting each other, when they are in fact working with each other. But, the deal's gone south and there's also the problem of a mole to deal with.

Now, in order to build up the world, we've had to construct a fictional country and I'm not sure if things have gotten a little too complex for players to digest. If someone wants to do a preview screening of sorts, just glance over the material and give a small feedback, that would be much appreciated!
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[15 Jul 2011|02:18am]
[info]rogerebert co-stars of all kinds, friends, whatever, lindsay lohan
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[15 Jul 2011|02:33am]
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Such a bad time! [15 Jul 2011|02:53am]
After seeing the midnight showing of Harry Potter I can't help, but give into this urge. So does anyone want an Emma Watson or Bonnie Wright around?
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[15 Jul 2011|04:31am]
[info]brnswick Josie Loren and Nicole Anderson for two best friends lines. Kaley Cuoco and Jesse Spencer as his older siblings, parents would be awesome too!
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[15 Jul 2011|05:06am]
Anything for Evanna Lynch? Faux celeb a-ok if stage actors are allowed.
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[15 Jul 2011|05:07am]
[info]usa would she be wanted for anything special?
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[15 Jul 2011|05:09am]
[info]hillies more night owls, hp nerds, a freshman roommate from last year, jesse eisenberg, matt lewis
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[15 Jul 2011|05:25am]
[info]hillies the guy she beards for. A dorm mate. Tom Fletcher, Danny Jones, Harry Judd for lines. Emma Watson.
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[15 Jul 2011|06:46am]
viva la [info]hisses!
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[15 Jul 2011|06:49am]

A threading and AIM friendly island game based around secrets.

Premade secrets available or come up with your own. If you can't think of one, take you're time to develop your character and then decide.

Requested Lines
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[15 Jul 2011|07:09am]
[info]monologuing his sisters and anything else.
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[15 Jul 2011|07:16am]
[info]monologuing bringing in this girl with the power of mediumship. she's pretty much a clean slate atm so i can offer her up for anything!
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[15 Jul 2011|07:24am]
looking for a supernatural psl, het or slash
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[15 Jul 2011|07:37am]
what females are wanted where?
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[15 Jul 2011|08:08am]
[info]thealists ashley benson as sharpay evans in hsm or felicia (tswizzle) in valentine's day & shay mitchell as santana lopez on glee, gabriella montez on hsm, or geena fabiano on unfabulous. jason derulo with chris brown credits & aaron yoo with a crazy funny bone.
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[15 Jul 2011|08:33am]
[info]heretherebemods Family lines greatly wanted! Or non-family lines. We have shapeshifters and mages and even plain ol' humans, and there's plenty of room for good, creative characters! Doesn't anyone play straight-up fantasy anymore?
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[15 Jul 2011|08:49am]
[info]surfz. Her parents, her sister, and Bonnie Wright or Evanna Lynch (or both!) for a best friend line.
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[15 Jul 2011|09:09am]
Home for any of the faces in my icons? Lines will sway.
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[15 Jul 2011|09:18am]
[info]monologuing Her dad and brothers, lines with all the holds!
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[15 Jul 2011|09:43am]
[info]charmingmod more people!!
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[15 Jul 2011|09:55am]
[info]click more white collar costars. the rest of the csi cast. paget brewster, aj cook, matthew gray gulber and kirsten vangsness for cliche reasons.
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[15 Jul 2011|09:58am]
[info]bloggers looking for a roommate, an older brother, and any other lines!
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[info]the_lodge [15 Jul 2011|10:07am]
Would kill for any of her brothers. I'd love, love, love Jeremy Renner or Ben Barnes!
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[15 Jul 2011|10:14am]
[info]surfz her roommates, and more lines in general would be great.
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[15 Jul 2011|10:27am]
long shot maybe, but home for her?
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[15 Jul 2011|10:32am]
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[15 Jul 2011|10:49am]
[info]hillies aaron johnson, imogen poots, hannah murray, carey mulligan for lines with this socially awkward kid here, please
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[15 Jul 2011|10:50am]
[info]monologuing Lines with holds while I finish working out this guy's background! Connections to the government team would be great! Connections to those less savory types would be awesome too! Friends, colleagues, enemies.
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[15 Jul 2011|11:24am]
[info]portagemod more lines while I finish up her bio, please??
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[15 Jul 2011|11:32am]
[info]rogerebert someone with the credits of jack white, pretty pretty please!
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[15 Jul 2011|11:37am]
[info]surfz male types
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[15 Jul 2011|11:37am]
Jamie Johnston for a semi-complicated ex/romantic line.
More lines. Things to get me going again!

also for [info]rileycordova....
Bonnie Wright as the girl in London he kinda used in an attempt to get over [info]kayleer, an attempt which failed.
Other HP cast for cliche things.
His younger sister, his two younger brothers.
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[15 Jul 2011|11:42am]
Lines plea for all 3 of my kids at [info]galveston in one!

[info]jadealexia needs her younger, identical twin brothers (Hayden Christiansen; Taylor Handley; Chad Michael Murray; Alex Pettyfer).

[info]johnabbottmd needs his and [info]ameliaway's daughter (Taylor Cole, Leighton Meester, Jessica Stroup) and Drew Fuller as the son he never knew he had.

[info]chasejacobs needs his older brother (Brad Pitt or...someone. I dunno LOL) who he doesn't get along too well with. He is married and has a toddler aged kid.
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[15 Jul 2011|11:53am]
More lines for [info]cartright's assistant? Maybe the one guy she had a serious relationship with in the past comes back. dun dun duuunnn! ahaha I'm up for anything!
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[15 Jul 2011|11:55am]
More dudes!
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[15 Jul 2011|11:55am]
Attn: Anyone in or planning to join [info]charmingmod! Comment here. I need lines!

Everyone else? Get your apps in!
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[15 Jul 2011|11:57am]
A doctor/nurse in the ER to be on a first name basis with.
A psychiatrist to be fascinated by her.
A male for the line in her journal.
A couple or two to cause issues with
Clients, regulars at the club, friends
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[15 Jul 2011|11:58am]
Is there anyone that would be willing to work out a slash line? Someone that is active and around on AIM (I prefer to play on there but do thread as well). I would want to take it to a game and I am totally open to pbs of all age ranges and different types of lines so throw them at me.
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[15 Jul 2011|12:02pm]
will someone play izzy hilton in a pb aim psl?
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[15 Jul 2011|12:02pm]
are there any communities that would want an alan rickman?
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[15 Jul 2011|12:03pm]
Is there anyone that would interested in a group psl based around High School of the Dead? It's basically about a small group of High School students trying to survive in a town that has recently been overtaken by zombies.
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[15 Jul 2011|12:04pm]
[info]hillies Trey Songz and Tyga? I'll offer lines.
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[15 Jul 2011|12:15pm]
[info]thealists finally have a bit of time to work on her. is [info]werthe still around? if not, can i get emilia clarke for a sister? scary and ginger spice (angel coulby for scary, perhaps!) and bradley james, please.
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[15 Jul 2011|12:28pm]
[info]sanfrancisco lea michele and lines?
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[15 Jul 2011|12:41pm]
alright, looks like i'm going with [info]monologuing! he will be a civilian with the power of teleportation. lines with everyone, please.
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[15 Jul 2011|12:44pm]
[info]portagemod Looking for this character's younger sister! A bit of a unique role but definitely going to be fun. Let's talk!
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[15 Jul 2011|12:46pm]
[info]monologuing i'd love to fit her into a family line somewhere, she's pretty much an open book at the moment in regards to history!
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[15 Jul 2011|12:54pm]
[info]blueridge can i get someone to come with for a femme line? emma watson, anna kendrick, tamsin egerton maybe?
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[15 Jul 2011|01:01pm]
[info]monologuing an osa-employed sister to clash with this guy and ~bridieconn, and their pro-super politico mom. and of course, lines with the holds.
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[15 Jul 2011|01:02pm]
are [info]newshoes and [info]wookies around? also, mark salling, kristen stewart, and robert pattinson for a gpsl.
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[15 Jul 2011|01:08pm]
who's up for a psl? some ideas in the journal, but brainstorming is cool. i'd be willing to take it to a comm if there's one out there we'd like.
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[15 Jul 2011|01:12pm]
[info]slushiecups Artie, Blaine, Azimio, Puck, Finn so on and so forth.
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[15 Jul 2011|01:15pm]
[info]monologuing working on this girl's app! any lines to throw her way while i flesh out her history?
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[15 Jul 2011|01:16pm]
home for a naya?
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[15 Jul 2011|01:19pm]
[info]thealists would anyone want a matt lewis for any lines?
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[15 Jul 2011|01:35pm]
[info]click an older female for a line.
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[15 Jul 2011|01:36pm]
[info]click anybody play jennifer connelly? she's wanted for a line!
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[15 Jul 2011|01:43pm]
[info]ilovela is now open! Next adds are tomorrow night so please get your applications in if you've held a character. If you haven't, come over and hold one! Active, friendly writers who are willing to offer lines.
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[15 Jul 2011|01:47pm]
[info]click an ex and a best friend
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[15 Jul 2011|01:50pm]
[info]seanathair looking for a michelle pheiffer and ryan phillippe for family 2, and a ryan gosling for [info]fna's bf/[info]hobie's bff PLUS...I would love to plot with all the cousins. where you be friends?
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[15 Jul 2011|01:51pm]
[info]chicago_mod lines?
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[15 Jul 2011|01:53pm]
could I get a Mark Salling to [info]surfz as this girl's pen pal? They were writing to each other for a long time, long before she moved to Virgina Beach and lived in NYC; they met in a chatroom on like Yahoo or MSN, whichever :)
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[15 Jul 2011|02:06pm]
[info]oldharbor can i get a girl to go in with me for either a little sister line or a best friend line?
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[info]slushiecups [15 Jul 2011|02:07pm]
Quin Fabray and Dave Karofsky, come back and apply! We still need Finn, Artie, Mercedes, Azimio, Will, Emma, Sue, etc.!
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[15 Jul 2011|02:11pm]
would shiloh fernandez be wanted at [info]click for anything?
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[15 Jul 2011|02:15pm]

New Orleans; the mecca of the vampire. The city is buzzing with the supernatural, it’s no Bon Temps. Vampire bars abound, your neighbor is most likely a fang banger, and that kid isn’t just selling cocaine anymore. It’s a post Russell Edgington world people and you are living in it (for now anyway). It’s too late to go back into the coffin so it’s time to accept there is just a bit of [info]evilgoingon

Vampires, humans, weres, shifters, witches, and a few fae blooded welcome. Only original characters accepted.

I am working on it and should have it up and ready for apps within the next week or so. Interest? Anyone that might wanna help out?
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[15 Jul 2011|02:18pm]
[info]fortunecity Fellow Yucatan employees. Maybe some rich and obnoxious hotel guests to have to put up with. More holds in general!
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[15 Jul 2011|02:19pm]
ignore the journal. home for a slashy chord overstreet? lines to go with, please.
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[15 Jul 2011|02:21pm]
[info]monologuing A brother for this girl and [info]mondale, a bestie, maybe some other young parents?, lines, anyone else!
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[15 Jul 2011|02:21pm]
[info]monologuing lines, any and all, for this osa field agent
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[15 Jul 2011|02:22pm]
[info]monologuing! Lines for this O.S.A. nurse with the power of teleportation? Nearly finished writing his history.
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[15 Jul 2011|02:24pm]
[info]hillies his twin sister! crystal reed, dylan o'brien, holland roden, tyler hoechlin, kat dennings
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[15 Jul 2011|02:27pm]
would anyone like to bring deborah ann woll & jim parrack pbs into a comm together as a recently married or soon-to-be married couple? i'd prefer to play jim and would like a supernatural/superhero comm but will settle for normal pb if necessary.
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[15 Jul 2011|02:35pm]
[info]heretherebemods Fire mages,soldiers, shape-shifters wanted. Lots of faces open. High-fantasy game that just opened today. :)
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[15 Jul 2011|02:38pm]
[info]surfz victoria justice for cliche goodness? i'd love to get her male best friend/baby daddy in game as well. it would be non-romantic! long shot but sean flynn or casey aldridge to fill that perhaps?
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[15 Jul 2011|02:39pm]
[info]click could i please get rachel weisz, kate beckinsale, jennifer connelly, carla gugino, jennifer garner, lena headey, gerard butler, javier bardem, robert downey jr, justin theroux, mark wahlberg, jon hamm, ben affleck, jude law, elizabeth banks, charlize theron, drew barrymore, piper perabo, amy smart, ali larter, malin akerman, aj cook, michelle williams, kate hudson, amanda seyfried, scarlett johansson, sarah roemer, or maggie grace for lines?
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[15 Jul 2011|02:47pm]
[info]monologuing so i kinda disappeared there for a second but i'm around! look at all you wonderful holds. maybe i can get a matt bomer, zachary levi, sarah lancaster, rachel bilson, and ryan kwanten around for lines too? and of course anything to anyone else who needs something!
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[15 Jul 2011|02:47pm]
[info]sanfrancisco teresa palmer or olivia wilde for a femme line, please!
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[15 Jul 2011|02:57pm]
[info]musiccitymods We need more males! I can offer up storylines with 4 different girls on the spot!
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[15 Jul 2011|03:00pm]
[info]click more co-stars, the actress who plays robin scherbatsky on himym, the actor who played jack mcphee on dawson's creek to round out the gang, friends, exes, and sofia vergara.
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[15 Jul 2011|03:02pm]
can I get a girlfriend for this girl?
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[15 Jul 2011|03:05pm]
[info]brnswick mary kate olsen, justin bieber, and sebastian stan for lines.
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[15 Jul 2011|03:10pm]
[info]surfz a little sister, please! and lines.
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[15 Jul 2011|03:12pm]
[info]click music mentor, rumored gf, secret bf, straight bestie he's crushing on, daniel tosh, joel mchale, damian mcginty, matthew beard, more lines with established & incoming players!
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[15 Jul 2011|03:14pm]
[info]monologuing lines for this OSA field agent while I work on her?
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[15 Jul 2011|03:19pm]
[info]brnswick thinking of taking this Phillip Chbeeb there, would he be wanted?
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[15 Jul 2011|03:30pm]
Taking this civi teleport to [info]monologuing Lines with any of the holds?

Also I'd like to have her best friend come along and her ex bfish person (from Scotland).
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[15 Jul 2011|03:32pm]

Her ex boyfriend of 4 years, a very hate/hate relationship between them.

Her brother and more actors to boss her around!
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[15 Jul 2011|03:39pm]
[info]monologuing what males are wanted? lines are nifty, but not mandatory!
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[15 Jul 2011|03:45pm]
would he be wanted at [info]oldhabor?
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[15 Jul 2011|03:54pm]
Lines for this girl at [info]surfz! while I make icons, she doesn't have anything yet!!
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[15 Jul 2011|03:59pm]
[info]monologuing Hit me!
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[15 Jul 2011|04:02pm]
[info]hisses Still looking for Rodolphus Lestrange! It would make this disaster of a Friday into an amazing Friday.
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[15 Jul 2011|04:06pm]
[info]monologuing What lines are people looking for?
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[15 Jul 2011|04:06pm]

Charming, California


Our Name Says It All.

Charming, CA is a town rpg based on the city of Charming from the hit television series Sons of Anarchy. It is comprised of completely original characters. This game revolves around the town and the people in it, rather than just being a complete remake of the show, but will still include gangs, law enforcement, and normal happy citizens.


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[15 Jul 2011|04:06pm]
would anyone be interested in taking a group of four girls in their late teens/early twenties to [info]click as the stars of "pretty little liars"?
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[15 Jul 2011|04:21pm]
my last home fell through. home for this guy?
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[15 Jul 2011|04:25pm]
[info]click hunter parrish and saoirse ronan for her best friends, game of thrones co-stars, broadway performers, and some a very potter musical/sequel co-stars!
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[15 Jul 2011|04:31pm]
[info]bloggers looking for a roommate and an older brother
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[15 Jul 2011|04:39pm]
[info]click love to see Emma Watson, Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Matt Lewis, Evanna Lynch. Looking for a best friend, fellow British musicians,ex flings, and an ex boyfriend.
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[15 Jul 2011|04:42pm]
emma roberts, jennifer lawrence, and a dude for lines
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[15 Jul 2011|04:54pm]
emma stone, carey mulligan, tom sturridge, and keira knightley for lines
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[15 Jul 2011|05:00pm]
Looking for a Nick Carter to fill a specific line for me at [info]miami. I'll even help in making icons and whatnot, whatever you may need if I can just get this line filled. Also looking for people to fill the sibling lines for this girl and [info]willss. Contact either one of us for details on the family.
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[15 Jul 2011|05:01pm]
[info]slushiecups Blaine, Artie, Puck, Finn, Mercedes, Mr. Schue, Miss. P, everyone!
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[15 Jul 2011|05:02pm]
Anyone interested in playing the other half of a fauxceleb lesbian couple? Asian girls preferred, but not required.
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[15 Jul 2011|05:03pm]
[info]miami Please, lines to help me finish him up :)
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[15 Jul 2011|05:05pm]
[info]sanfrancisco Lines for this local bartender? And can I get Justin Timberlake for a specific line? I'm not set on the face, either.
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[15 Jul 2011|05:07pm]
Who's wanted where? I'll play just about anyone, Male or female.
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[15 Jul 2011|05:09pm]
[info]fortunecity We won't bite! ... oh, wait. Yes we will.
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[15 Jul 2011|05:13pm]
[info]click naomi watts, more co-stars and more lines in general would be nice!
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[15 Jul 2011|05:16pm]
would ariana be wanted anywhere?
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[15 Jul 2011|05:19pm]
[info]goldwynmayer taking this girl there and would love to work out more lines for her. i'm looking for an ex-boyfriend for a slightly specific line, not picky on pbs but jay baruchel for cliche fun would be great!
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[15 Jul 2011|05:21pm]

[info]miami: We'd love to see more new faces!

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[15 Jul 2011|05:29pm]
[info]monologuing lines for the osa co-commander!
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[15 Jul 2011|05:37pm]
[info]oldharbor a girl for a line, please? emily browning for a little sister.
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[15 Jul 2011|05:39pm]
Does anyone play the following slash: rob pattinson, taylour lautner, chris colfer, justin timberlake, jake gyllenhaal, christian bale, colin farrell, jared leto, shannon leto or frank iero?
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[15 Jul 2011|05:45pm]
[info]monologuing okay, i want to bring in a female villian. someone mid to late 20s. i need pb help!
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[15 Jul 2011|05:47pm]
Home for a Gemma Chan?
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[15 Jul 2011|05:47pm]
Kellie Pickler or Julianne Hough pbs please report to [info]cityofmobile, please!!!
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[15 Jul 2011|05:57pm]
[info]surfz Adds tonight so getting applying, more males.
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[15 Jul 2011|06:01pm]
Okay, here's the deal folks. I would like to play a PB and fill a line for someone.. but there's a catch. I would like to play one that use to be a big deal, but is hardly used or even thought up anymore. I do have examples if needed, but I think most people can figure out what I mean.

I'm up for anything but supernatural and school games. Faux-celeb is a maybe if the SL is right.

Whatcha got for me?
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[15 Jul 2011|06:07pm]
[info]seanathair how about his brother and mom?
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[15 Jul 2011|06:08pm]
[info]hisses dooooo it!
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[15 Jul 2011|06:18pm]
I'm taking him to [info]ilovela and would like someone to come along with him as his boyfriend or any kind of romantic slashy interest.
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[15 Jul 2011|06:20pm]
Long shot, but could I get a psl for this girl? Her bio is here and I'd really love her questionable best friend. I'm open to any face, but just to toss a few ideas out: Matt Smith, Arthur Darvill, Andrew Garfield, James McAvoy would all be keen.
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[15 Jul 2011|06:21pm]
[info]brnswick mary kate and justin bieber for sibling lines. a male for a "parents don't approve" type of line.
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[15 Jul 2011|06:25pm]
[info]monologuing lines anyone? i am open to anything!
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[15 Jul 2011|06:26pm]

More lines for this girl
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[15 Jul 2011|06:32pm]
[info]monologuing Would anyone like to bring in this girl's father? Or Chris Mintz-Plasse!
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[15 Jul 2011|06:32pm]
[info]miami lines?
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[15 Jul 2011|06:47pm]

More lines for the AM weather girl? Also seeking Matt Smith and Arthur Darvill since sheer cliche is always fun (Matt for a long time best friend from their days in New Orleans and Arthur for a possible love interest).
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[15 Jul 2011|07:01pm]
[info]monologuing could i get a less than savory male for a specific line? semi-romantic, probably won't have a happy ending.
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[15 Jul 2011|07:02pm]
What supernatural games are out right now? The more active the better.
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[15 Jul 2011|07:03pm]
Any good college/community games out there? Willing to fill lines both female and male.
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[15 Jul 2011|07:04pm]
Any good Harry Potter games out there?
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[15 Jul 2011|07:05pm]
Any True Blood games out there?
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[15 Jul 2011|07:11pm]
what males are wanted at ~augmented, ~brnswick or ~oldharbor?
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[15 Jul 2011|07:16pm]
[info]hisses gideon prewett is wanted by both his siblings and his wife-to-be
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[15 Jul 2011|07:20pm]
Lines over at [info]surfz while I finish her up! She's a clean slate!
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[15 Jul 2011|07:24pm]
[info]click lines for her, battlestar galactica co-stars, julianna margulies, etc.
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[15 Jul 2011|07:25pm]
could i get a psl for this girl? het or femme is fine
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[15 Jul 2011|07:37pm]
[info]monologuing if I brought in a teresa palmer with darkness/shadow manipulation what lines could she fill?
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psl [15 Jul 2011|07:40pm]
check the journal!
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[15 Jul 2011|07:42pm]
[info]thehudson amber heard as her best friend and cam gigandet for a fun, dramatic line. also, i would love matt dallas as the will to her grace.
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[15 Jul 2011|07:43pm]
jumping on the Harry Potter wagon, home or psl for Emma Watson? lines sway and no supernatural.
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[15 Jul 2011|07:43pm]
[info]click The actress who played Veronica Sawyer in "Heathers" as her best friend, her sisters (they are 38, 31, and 26), and the guy she dated in high school (he'd be about 40). Also her Saved By The Bell co-stars!
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[15 Jul 2011|07:54pm]
i am in love with [info]monologuing put up the first draft of her bio and some basic info just to make it easier to plot. is anyone interested in some lines with her? she needs people she plays poker with (who don't mind losing), other academic type people, people she has consulted with on various OSA/government issues involving anything international, a love interest (there is more to this, if you're interested let me know!), a best friend, and [info]jannette to come back so we can work out details.
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[15 Jul 2011|08:04pm]
[info]rogerebert what males are wanted?
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[15 Jul 2011|08:06pm]
[info]blueridge emma watson, anna kendrick, tamsin egerton, or someone else for a femme line, i'm flexible on pbs.
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[15 Jul 2011|08:06pm]
okay, because i am a total goober and am slightly optimistic tonight - would anyone want an annie clark pb? lines sway. credits are subject to change for faux-celeb.
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[15 Jul 2011|08:12pm]
[info]click the father of her kids (completely non romantic), the rest of the true blood cast and more lines to help me live
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[15 Jul 2011|08:20pm]
home for this girl? i can switch usernames if needed
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[15 Jul 2011|08:21pm]
[info]rogerebert spider-man, please!
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[15 Jul 2011|08:38pm]
[info]monologuing A brother, a fabulous redhead (maybe Emma Stone with a mentally-based ability, but anything goes!) for a trio with Ellie and [info]jeriks, other people with nature-based abilities, another young parent to bond with, holds to apply, anything else!
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[15 Jul 2011|08:45pm]
[info]hillies could i get someone to bring this kid's younger brother in? beau mirchoff or gregg sulkin, maybe? also is [info]amhurst around anymore?
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[15 Jul 2011|08:48pm]
[info]click jesse lacey, charlie hunnam, and someone with ryan hurst credits
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[15 Jul 2011|08:54pm]
Shiloh Fernandez to [info]portagemod! PLEASE!
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[15 Jul 2011|08:57pm]
Any of the guys or girls in my journal wanted for [info]usa?
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[15 Jul 2011|09:02pm]
[info]monologuing Can I get her dad and two brothers (27 and 21)? Her uncle (the dad's brother) is also held! And, of course, any and all lines.
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[15 Jul 2011|09:06pm]
[info]sanfrancisco lines with those who have an existing hold, jenna ushkowitz for a best friend line.
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[15 Jul 2011|09:07pm]
rupert grint, daniel radcliffe, evanna lynch, kristen stewart, and robert pattinson for a gpsl.
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[15 Jul 2011|09:09pm]
[info]musiccitymods! We need more guys! I can provide lines with 4 different females right off the bat!
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since I'm home now and can actually work on her... [15 Jul 2011|09:14pm]
[info]monologuing Lines for this OSA field agent?
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[15 Jul 2011|09:17pm]
Home options for a Kaya Scodelario PB?
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[15 Jul 2011|09:18pm]
is astrid berges-frisbey wanted anywhere? lines would be great.
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[15 Jul 2011|09:18pm]
In the mood for something supernatural. Any active communities out there? I could always look into filling lines.
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[15 Jul 2011|09:24pm]
[info]monologuing Lines for this morally ambiguous conwoman of a shapeshifter while I work her out? I'm looking for everything: friends, enemies, maybe a partner-in-crime, someone who's trying to redeem her/get her to use her powers for good, flings, exes, anything else you can throw at me. I'm completely open to ideas, so if you need lines filled and think she'll work, let me hear 'em!
12 comments|post comment

[15 Jul 2011|09:35pm]
[info]surfz This way, more males in general, holds to apply adds are tonight.
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[15 Jul 2011|09:36pm]
trying again, [info]usa anyone want her for anything?
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[15 Jul 2011|09:38pm]
[info]brnswick a brother or sister! MORE LINES, PLS?
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[15 Jul 2011|09:47pm]
Having trouble deciding on a pb, so what females are wanted where for lines? I'll do everything but supernatural and fandom games.
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[15 Jul 2011|09:49pm]
home? a shemar moore or a mgg to tag along?
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[15 Jul 2011|09:56pm]
[info]sanfrancisco heather morris or another female for a specific line.
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[15 Jul 2011|10:06pm]
[info]thealists desperately seeking a jesse eisenberg for something specific and wonderful. also israelis, heirs and heiresses would be loved.
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[15 Jul 2011|10:09pm]
[info]progeniture Worthington, Guthries, McCoys, Psylocke's kid, Firestar's kid, a Boudreaux kid, and a Wagner kid. An ex-boyfriend for this girl for a line? Lines for everyone!
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[15 Jul 2011|10:11pm]
Home or psl for a Tina Fey pb? No faux-celeb, please.
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[15 Jul 2011|10:19pm]
[info]surfz why wont aim take my sn :(
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[15 Jul 2011|10:21pm]
gpsl set in a suburb of Dallas
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[15 Jul 2011|10:21pm]
home for behati prinsloo?
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[15 Jul 2011|10:25pm]
[info]thealists more lines while i finish her up! i'd love a jason momoa for something cliche.
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[15 Jul 2011|10:35pm]
[info]sanfrancisco Lines, would be awesome. Anyone play Justin Timberlake?
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[15 Jul 2011|10:37pm]
[info]surfz now that I have him applied, can I get his (very large) family to tag along? The lines are very specific and its kind of dramatic/detailed! I need two older siblings (early thirties) one younger sister (24) and a couple teenaged siblings (any gender!) 
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[15 Jul 2011|10:42pm]
[info]click max minghella, beau garrett, charlie hunnam and rachel weisz.
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[15 Jul 2011|10:44pm]
taking her to [info]click. can i get a few lines?
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drown out those end of harry potter sorrows [15 Jul 2011|10:45pm]
[info]seanathair there's a whole bunch of roles open. we're looking for nearly all of family one. looking for the mother and last son in family two. also looking for a ryan gosling for a specific line, i promise it's fun!
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[15 Jul 2011|10:45pm]
[info]surfz. julianne hough, kellie pickler, cory monteith, kevin mchale, lea michele, mark sailing, heather morris, matthew grey gubler, miranda lambert, christian kane, etc.
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