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[25 Jun 2011|12:04am]
[info]augmented: A Game for People with Powers
and the Humans who Love (and Hate!) Them
Completely revamped, many popular PBs/Powers open!
Welcoming humans, heroes, and villains.
[info]auglines for all your plotting needs.
Adds done as applications come in- join the fun today!
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[25 Jun 2011|12:06am]
Since I get rejected everywhere I apply maybe someones telling me not to do a community. Anyone needing any PSL'S filled? Faces doesn't matter.
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[25 Jun 2011|12:17am]
[info]click jake gyllenhaal for something, a sibling or relative, a best girlfriend, co-stars, and a ~dramatic ex or something.
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[25 Jun 2011|12:27am]
[info]click! costars, maybe a few more credit suggestions too (comedy only) and she's in need of a few exes, one she just recently split from would be great!
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[25 Jun 2011|12:32am]
Any super-hero games or Supernatural games out there? I am looking to play the girl in the icon as some kind of super-powered being.
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[25 Jun 2011|12:46am]
[info]click nicholas hoult for a twin brother, saoirse ronan for a best friend, and natalie dormer for an older half-sister would make my week. and more hp cast, game of thrones cast, and broadway performers, especially the berger to her sheila!
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[25 Jun 2011|12:48am]
[info]surfz lines please!
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[25 Jun 2011|12:50am]
[info]nyc lines and older pbs please and thank you
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[25 Jun 2011|12:51am]
[info]surfz i'd love some lines while i write her up!
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[25 Jun 2011|12:55am]
check the journal, please. i'd love to find a good, long lasting psl or a line to bring to a comm. no supernatural please.
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[25 Jun 2011|12:55am]
[info]nyc finally apped him, more lines? coworkers, anything
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[25 Jun 2011|12:56am]
i want to bring this girl to [info]click but i have no idea what to do with her. does anyone need lines?
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[25 Jun 2011|01:03am]
[info]surfz I would love her all-american twin brother and her older, lesbian sister.
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[25 Jun 2011|01:04am]
[info]nyc does anyone need any major lines filled while she's a blank slate sibling/ex/anything
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[25 Jun 2011|01:04am]
[info]brnswick A band mate, more friends, a neighbor, a male for a love/hate relationship.
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[25 Jun 2011|01:07am]
[info]nyc i think i already love every character there. more lines, please? she could still use lots!
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[25 Jun 2011|01:09am]
[info]rogerebert A best friend!
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[25 Jun 2011|01:15am]
[info]hillies zoe kravitz and paul wesley for specific lines please!
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[25 Jun 2011|01:15am]
[info]nyc his older brother, an ex, co workers, friends in general
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[25 Jun 2011|01:25am]
[info]nyc so much to do but i'd still love to get his sister and best friend and a girl for a line (i have some suggestions)
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[25 Jun 2011|01:33am]
[info]thealist emmett and jasper to complete the twilight cast! i can suggest pbs and you'll be super ultra mega loved.
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[25 Jun 2011|01:34am]
[info]surfz Male friends, a sister, exs..the lot.
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[25 Jun 2011|01:39am]
[info]click she'll hopefully have the credits of grace potter and the nocturnals.
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[25 Jun 2011|01:39am]
[info]nyc my bad to anyone who commented the last post! fellow tattoo/body modification enthusiasts, friends from la, fellow barflies and drinking buddies, former flings, friends, the usual. he plays the drums as a hobby so anyone in the music scene.

also anyone play radeo suicide and would consider bringing her in for a polyamory line?
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[25 Jun 2011|01:48am]
looking for a Dean Winchester for my Sam Winchester, or a Sam Winchester for my Dean Winchester for a Wincest psl. Aim only, please. Looking for someone to brainstorm with :)
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[25 Jun 2011|02:09am]
[info]nyc an older sister and a younger sister.
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[25 Jun 2011|02:15am]
horrible horrible timing.... but anyone need a Julianne Hough? Comm, GPSL, or PSL. No supernatural svp.
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[25 Jun 2011|02:56am]
[info]click would anyone want a colin firth for anything? i was thinking neil gaiman credits, but acting credits are also tempting.
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[25 Jun 2011|03:08am]
Lines for this guy over at [info]musiccitymods. Working on his bio now!
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[25 Jun 2011|03:31am]
[info]click younger half sister, recent ex fiance/ex boyfriend, a group of girls to hang out with, people for her to fan girl.
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[25 Jun 2011|03:52am]
considering [info]nyc but would kit harington be wanted anywhere?
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[25 Jun 2011|03:57am]
[info]quillsandink we are now OPEN for holds! adds will be done when we have 5 characters accepted!
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[25 Jun 2011|04:28am]
[info]nyc bound, I'd love to fill lines going into it!
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[25 Jun 2011|04:46am]
[info]surfz Harry Shum Jr as a best male buddy, Nathan Fillion as his cool uncle, Kristen Bell as a past hookup and friend of his aunt, other exs, friends, co-workers and what not.
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[25 Jun 2011|06:24am]
Still looking for a couple of older males for [info]miami! One of them could be female. Late thirties at least. I know I'm not the only one that plays older characters!

ETA: I'd also love a Logan Lerman for a specific line!
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[25 Jun 2011|07:16am]
We need more males over at [info]heavyisthehead!
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[25 Jun 2011|07:17am]
[info]thehudson lines? ADAM SEVANI to come with please please please! i will literally do anything for an Adam. i'll make you pretty icons, shower you with lots of love and cookies, and be your slave for a day or something!! her four older brothers (nick, nigel, niel, and nate), guy friends, a few girl friends, and fellow b-boys and b-girls would be awesome too.
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[25 Jun 2011|08:40am]
[info]miami I'd love more lines for her in general, please. Also, Can I get an Adam Brody or Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and Garrett Hedlund for specific lines?
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[25 Jun 2011|08:40am]
are there lines for her at [info]miami?
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[25 Jun 2011|08:54am]
an older brother [info]cityofmobile
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[25 Jun 2011|09:51am]
[info]nyc i would love a few lines for her! students at parsons, a coworker or two, roommates, best friends, an ex.
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[25 Jun 2011|09:55am]
[info]brnswick rick genest, ed kavishe, 40+, poc's, lgbt
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[25 Jun 2011|10:02am]
[info]nyc would ash stymest be wanted?
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[25 Jun 2011|10:09am]
[info]murderbydeath only one week left to apply for round one!
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[25 Jun 2011|10:09am]
[info]nyc one roommate needed to share a manhattan apartment and battle their crazy albanian super. if anyone's down to play said crazy albanian super, that would be amazing, too!
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[25 Jun 2011|10:19am]
[info]thehudson can i get his rehab counselor?
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[25 Jun 2011|10:23am]
[info]nyc, friends, a sibling, a girl for a specific line, all other lines
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[25 Jun 2011|10:25am]
[info]nyc can i get a roommate, cousins, maybe a brother, best friend, or just friends in general
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[25 Jun 2011|10:39am]
[info]click kate beckinsale, joel courtney, zach mills, skandar keynes, hailee steinfeld, etc
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[25 Jun 2011|10:58am]
[info]thehudson the crazy hippie chick that he lives with? a male best friend? come on!
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[25 Jun 2011|10:58am]
[info]brnswick is the emilie still coming? i would love a coworker at the bookstore. kstew would be pretty awesome for that line. maybe a girl who develops a crush while he remains oblivious for a while?
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[25 Jun 2011|10:59am]
[info]tourz merch for invisible monsters! i'd love for them to be Brai's cousin. not picky on faces.
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[25 Jun 2011|11:00am]
i know that this has been attempted before, but would anyone be interested in a faux-celeb group psl? i was thinking that it'd be just like a bigger community, only on a smaller scale and everyone would be required to have a connection to someone else (maybe something beyond simply co-stars). obviously the idea is really rough at the moment, but i just wanted to gather some interest. alternatively, would anyone be interested in a 'friends' or 'how i met your mother' esque psl about a group of friends?
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[25 Jun 2011|11:24am]
[info]nyc a brother or sister, a girl 26+ for a specific line, a recent ex and the bassist, stand up or electric and another guitarist to round out a band that sounds like mumford and sons and more lines while i lazily enjoy my vanilla coffee.
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[25 Jun 2011|11:24am]
looking to start up a gpsl based in the star wars universe. extensive knowledge of the universe is not required, but dedicated and passionate writers would be ideal. i'll post a custom regarding the premise and a few poll questions once a few people express interest.
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[25 Jun 2011|11:29am]
[info]tourz If you want to join as This lovely lady I'd make love to you. Or cookies!
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[25 Jun 2011|11:32am]
[info]click could i get her half-sister? i can suggest faces but almost anyone will work.
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[25 Jun 2011|11:32am]
[info]nyc some more lines for this girl?
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[25 Jun 2011|11:42am]
[info]cobo ~kingsnake to come back and more males!
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ignore the journal [25 Jun 2011|12:04pm]
[info]nyc what females are wanted?
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[25 Jun 2011|12:08pm]
[info]nyc ~gooutside are you around? more lines because she's lacking, maybe coworkers so i can figure out where she's working
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[25 Jun 2011|12:11pm]
[info]miami lines pretty please? i'd love a naya rivera as her older sister!
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[25 Jun 2011|12:13pm]
[info]nyc lines of all kinds
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[25 Jun 2011|12:15pm]
[info]nyc david henrie, ian harding, nick jonas, and lines! she could use whatever
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[25 Jun 2011|12:18pm]
psls for anyone listed in the journal?
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[25 Jun 2011|12:21pm]
Does anyone PB Robert Sean Leonard?
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[25 Jun 2011|12:21pm]
Thread friendly home for Alexis Bledel, Emma Watson, Autumn Reeser, Blake Lively, Keira Knightley or Scarlett Johansson? Lines will sway!
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[25 Jun 2011|12:21pm]
[info]click nicholas hoult for her brother and neville in the harry potter films and natalie dormer as an older half-sister! the rest of the hp cast, game of thrones cast, avpm/avps co-stars, and more stage actors, especially the berger to her sheila.
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[25 Jun 2011|12:26pm]
[info]thehudson lines! and i need a male for an ex line!
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[25 Jun 2011|12:41pm]
i'm thinking of heading to ~miami or ~click, so who (m or f) would be wanted for lines?
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[25 Jun 2011|12:48pm]
An original character RPG set in Charlotte, NC.
Fun and friendly community
Active we're going on 8 months of game play!
Come join us!
We need five male apps to lift the cap on females!
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[25 Jun 2011|12:53pm]
[info]augmented: A Game for People with Powers
and the Humans who Love (and Hate!) Them
Welcoming humans, heroes, and villains.
[info]auglines for all your plotting needs.
Adds done as applications come in- join the fun today!
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[25 Jun 2011|12:53pm]
~[info]brnswick NEEDED: Someone who isn't afraid of playing a bitch character. Someone who loves a little IC drama and knows how to not take it personally. This guy needs a little fight in his life, so I would love his ex from their teen years who claimed he knocked her up just get stuff from him, but really cheated with someone else.

OH! and a Alexandra Daddario!! for a step-sister for him and [info]eschroder!
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[25 Jun 2011|12:59pm]
[info]thealist "pretty little liars" and "lizzie mcguire" casts
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[25 Jun 2011|01:04pm]
[info]miami courteney cox & matthew perry(!!!), patrick dempsey, josh duhamel, bradley cooper, jason bateman, christina applegate, thomas gibson, cameron diaz, jason segel, jeffrey dean morgan, reese witherspoon, sarah michelle gellar, robert downey jr, ryan reynolds, jude law, johnny depp, alex o'loughlin, seth rogen, meg ryan, julia roberts, rachel mcadams, diane kruger, eric dane, vince vaughn, adam sandler, ben stiller, tom hanks, colin hanks, gwyneth paltrow, matthew gray gubler, misha collins, tim mcgraw, brad pitt, angelina jolie, kate walsh, taye diggs, kadee strickland, david boreanaz, emily deschanel, kevin costner, hilary swank, james marsters, james marsden, katherine heigl, ashton kutcher, jake gyllenhaal, michelle williams, dennis quiad + many many more!
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[25 Jun 2011|01:04pm]
lol can i get a MARLON WAYANS, wiz khalifia (or whatever his name is), a bow wow, pharrell, or brandon t jackson or somebody like that for a line @ [info]surfz. and a lauren london or lais ribeiro. and a salma hayek. and hal sparks.
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[25 Jun 2011|01:04pm]
[info]rogerebert credits of LMFAO, britney spears, nicki minaj, rihanna, kanye west, taio cruz, pitbull
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[25 Jun 2011|01:11pm]
[info]rogerebert Serena, Jenny, Vanessa and Rufus from Gossip Girl. Olive from Easy A. His female co-star in Syrup. A best friend and confidant(e). (I'd love a female for this so they could have a brother-and-sisterly relationship, but I'm open!)
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[25 Jun 2011|01:14pm]
Is [info]hogarth still around? More interest here for a group harry potter psl using ocs.
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[25 Jun 2011|01:17pm]
Looking for the father he's never met for a very complicated line with him and ~parkerh, maybe a neighbor that he became friends with, possibly some people he knew online before he moved to Miami, and lines with everyone else at [info]miami!
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[25 Jun 2011|01:32pm]
[info]click a younger male 18-20 for a best friend line. i can help with pb suggestions and credits! lauren conrad for a cousin that's more like his older sister, and maybe robert downey jr for the father of him and his brother that left when their mom was pregnant with him?
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[25 Jun 2011|01:37pm]
[info]miami David Henrie, Penn Badgley, or Sebastian Stan for a specific line, Leighton Meester or another female as her childhood best friend, older people, an older male that went on a date with her mom at some point that was convinced or still is that Courtney might be a bit weird which I have more details on this just comment, and lines with the people I've missed.
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[25 Jun 2011|01:46pm]
[info]nyc some lines please, a roommate and also for members, i put up an updated bl download link
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[25 Jun 2011|01:53pm]
[info]click andy samberg, jay baruchel, or kyle howard as josh and dave annable or adrian grenier as aidan on being human, jesse spencer as her brother in i hate you, dad, christina hendricks, alexander skarsgard, more co-stars, etc...
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[25 Jun 2011|01:56pm]
[info]nyc lines please? could use just about everything!
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[25 Jun 2011|01:59pm]
[info]musiccitymods First Adds Sunday at 9PM EST.
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[25 Jun 2011|02:00pm]
[info]thehudson someone has got to play kirsten vangsness! you, my love, are wanted asap! paget brewster, shemar moore, thomas gibson, joe mantegna: cliche but whatev, i want you all for specifc lines.
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[25 Jun 2011|02:05pm]
a best friend from new york who moved to mobile with him [info]cityofmobile
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[25 Jun 2011|02:09pm]
Ian Somerhalder please!
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[25 Jun 2011|02:23pm]
[info]nyc quoting britney spears is usually a sign that a game is good, js
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[25 Jun 2011|02:31pm]
[info]nyc little brother, piercer she apprenticed under, more artists at the parlor, best girlfran
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[25 Jun 2011|02:32pm]
[info]cobo is it still kicking up in here?
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[25 Jun 2011|02:36pm]
[info]click the rest of the cast of the big bang theory, other co stars as well!
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[25 Jun 2011|02:38pm]
[info]nyc brooklyn friends and more lines in general
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[25 Jun 2011|02:38pm]

Join us. We have cookies.
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[25 Jun 2011|02:53pm]
[info]nyc who is in queens and lines
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[25 Jun 2011|03:00pm]
[info]surfz some more lines for this girl while i work on her bio? a younger sister and brother, the ex whose heart she broke when she left for college, some close girlfriends, etc.
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[25 Jun 2011|03:04pm]
[info]click, now that she's in, how about some more lady friends, maybe some family members and perhaps someone that could eventually break through her shell?
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[25 Jun 2011|03:06pm]
home or psl for an amy adams or an emily blunt?
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[25 Jun 2011|03:26pm]
[info]thepowers, a multifandom game
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[25 Jun 2011|03:31pm]
[info]click a younger brother, a best girl friend, jake gyllenhaal, costars, exes, everything else!
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[25 Jun 2011|03:39pm]
Bringing this guy to [info]nyc! Any lines would be appreciated.
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[25 Jun 2011|03:51pm]
does anyone play brendon urie or dallon weekes and would be interested in a slash psl?
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[25 Jun 2011|03:51pm]
[info]miami garrett hedlund, adam brody or joseph gordon-levitt for specific lines, please.
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[25 Jun 2011|03:52pm]
[info]nyc lines? Room mate, exes, best friends (m&f), the usual.
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[25 Jun 2011|03:55pm]
[info]quillsandink now open for holds!
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[25 Jun 2011|03:56pm]
[info]surfz A blonde for a sister, friends, co-workers, exs. Also Heather Morris, Paul Wesley, Ian Somerhalder, Harry Shum Jr, Cameron Diaz, Kristen Bell are wanted.
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[25 Jun 2011|04:06pm]

The older man for an older man/younger woman line (can offer PB ideas) and her openly gay fashion designer brother?
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[25 Jun 2011|04:14pm]
where could I bring either a Sarah Stephens or Lauren Hastings pb? I'm definitely willing to fill storylines!
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[25 Jun 2011|04:16pm]
Home / lines for an Eva Mendes? Can use an ooc journal if needed.
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[25 Jun 2011|04:18pm]
How about an Emma Roberts to fill in a younger sibling line for this guy and [info]emilyrey over at [info]galveston?
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[25 Jun 2011|04:22pm]
Would a Jamie Oliver face be wanted anywhere? Anything but supernatural, PSLs are okay too.
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[25 Jun 2011|04:30pm]
[info]click nicholas hoult and natalie dormer for siblings, and the casts of game of thrones and harry potter, please. and more broadway folk!
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[25 Jun 2011|04:32pm]
[info]hillies matt lanter anyone?
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[25 Jun 2011|04:37pm]
[info]brnswick her more outgoing best friend from high school/childhood and her younger brother!
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my bad for double posting it wouldn't let me edit [25 Jun 2011|04:38pm]
[info]nyc miley cyrus for something specific
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[25 Jun 2011|04:40pm]
who's wanted at [info]click? male or female but 25+ only.
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[25 Jun 2011|04:44pm]
[info]nyc maybe some lines to motivate me on getting started on this guy. Other tattooists who works for him at his shop? Friends etc?
he is the big brother of [info]manboob and married to [info]comalies.
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[25 Jun 2011|05:05pm]
home for matthew gray gubler or jackson rathbone?
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[25 Jun 2011|05:12pm]
[info]click dexter from 'one day' as well as cast members from 'ted'. some youngins maybe from 'super 8' because i'm sure the kids in the comm will love you guys and i'd love to see gillian jacobs, danny pudi, and joel mchale!
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[25 Jun 2011|05:17pm]
okay [info]brnswick, you win! lines and job suggestions for her?
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[25 Jun 2011|05:20pm]
[info]surfz lines for her, while I work on her bio, she's [info]emora's older sister.
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[25 Jun 2011|05:23pm]
are there any zombie survivor games out there? if not, anyone interested in sitting up one?
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[25 Jun 2011|05:23pm]
Looking to bring this boy over to [info]musiccitymods a new game set up in Nashville. Would love to get his sister to come along and maybe an ex or two. A baby mama?
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[25 Jun 2011|05:29pm]
[info]hillies paul wesley and zoe kravitz for specific lines please!
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[25 Jun 2011|05:37pm]
Are there any town-based RPGs out there that aren't set is US cities?
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[25 Jun 2011|05:54pm]
[info]miami an older woman in her late thirties for a specific line, please and thanks! also other older women for him to hit on. he doesn't want to be chasing jail bait, tyvm.
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[25 Jun 2011|06:07pm]
[info]miami -- Could I maybe find her husband (or ex-husband, depending on where you would rather start the line)? It would be awesome if he could be in his early forties so he could be her cousin ~buckly's friend, too! (Maybe Timothy Olyphant? They make such a pretty couple!) Oh and other lines too while I work on writing her up.
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[25 Jun 2011|06:09pm]
[info]surfz I'd love to find someone to bring in this guys 16-17 year old son. The story goes like this: for his entire life, he has thought the man raising him was his father only to find out that his mother lied to him. In truth, he was the product of a one night stand when his parents were still in high school. His mother kept the pregnancy from his father, who wasn't much more then a stranger to her. After getting into an argument over the whole thing with his mother, he decides to go to Virginia Beach and track down his father, running away from home in the process. I already have someone bringing in the mother, so you'd have both parents in game! Any takers?
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[25 Jun 2011|06:17pm]
[info]galvestonmod. I'd like to get her baby daddy that's a fellow teenager and a boyfriend with the face of Justin Bieber since both of my lines disappeared. Comment for details.
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[25 Jun 2011|06:20pm]
Ian Somerhalder, Paul Wesley.
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[25 Jun 2011|06:32pm]
Lines for this girl at [info]musiccitymods while I work on her bio?
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[25 Jun 2011|06:36pm]
Lines for this girl over at [info]heavyisthehead
Her abusive husband would be love or well, hate, but you know what I mean.
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[25 Jun 2011|06:38pm]
Supernatural home for her and a Charlie Hunamm, both vampires, separate writers coming together.
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[25 Jun 2011|06:56pm]
[info]thehudson her male and female best friend! around 21/22 years old would be awesome.
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[25 Jun 2011|07:03pm]
[info]hillies! adds are tomorrow night.
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[25 Jun 2011|07:08pm]
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[25 Jun 2011|07:11pm]
[info]click does anyone need a mother/wife/sister? credit ideas in the journal!
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[25 Jun 2011|07:16pm]
can i get a male or two for lines at [info]brnswick?
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ADDS TOMORROW NIGHT! [25 Jun 2011|07:18pm]

wanted <--check it out.

Plenty of PB's still open.

Awesome, fun, nice, and active community set in Seattle.
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[25 Jun 2011|07:19pm]
[info]click ignore the icon, pb and other credit suggestions and lines for rose tyler from "doctor who"? maybe one of the doctors to tag along?
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ignore the icon [25 Jun 2011|07:20pm]
[info]click what males are wanted?
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[25 Jun 2011|07:23pm]
Looking for some new psls for her. Either students or clients (escort) to seduce, het or femme. Threading please.
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[25 Jun 2011|07:48pm]
since i'm pretty sure her home is dead, anyone need/want a dianna agron? i could be swayed to switch pbs with an awesome line, but i want to keep her if i can.
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[25 Jun 2011|07:50pm]
[info]brnswick idris elba, andy whitfield, kim kardashian, rick genest, ed kavishe, matthew gray gubler
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[25 Jun 2011|07:59pm]
[info]rogerebert leonardo dicaprio, ed westwick, or ryan reynolds for specific lines! co-stars, especially spider-man. lines in general.
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[25 Jun 2011|08:04pm]
home for a kristen stewart and a girlfriend to go with her? psls welcome.
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[25 Jun 2011|08:05pm]
[info]click going with gaiman credits--so that leads me to suggest someone bringing in a terry pratchett credit, of course. maybe hugh laurie or sean bean? that said, lines with everyone would be welcomed!
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[25 Jun 2011|08:09pm]
[info]blueridge jason aldean, minka kelly, blake shelton, kellie pickler, and chace crawford wanted for specific lines.
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[25 Jun 2011|08:11pm]
[info]crowncitymod! We're looking for some guys. I'd love to have a best friend for Sean here. Not picky on the pb, it's up to you.
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[25 Jun 2011|08:13pm]
[info]miami More guys. Jackson Rathbone for something specific, Cam Gigandet, Ryan Reynolds, Channing Tatum, Alex Pettyfer, anyone not taken.
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[25 Jun 2011|08:20pm]
[info]miami How about some parents of young children to share parenting tips with? Or more accurately get them from? lol
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[25 Jun 2011|08:25pm]
[info]miami might take him there, lines?
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[25 Jun 2011|08:25pm]
Next adds are tonight 9pm EST!!!

Heather Morris, Stephen Colletti, Wentworth Miller, Emma Roberts, Shenae Grimes, Mischa Barton, Eric Dane, Steven Strait, Amanda Seyfried, Karl Urban, Carrie Underwood, James Purefoy, Colin Firth, Drew Fuller, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Harry Shum Jr., Garrett Hedlund, Michael Trevino, Steven R. McQueen, Leighton Meester, Shane West, Chord Overstreet, Cory Monteith, Lance Bass, Daveigh Chase, Amber Riley, Jon Kortajarena, Alexander Skarsgard, Jamie Dornan, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Gerard Butler, Ryan Gosling, Jude Law and Ryan Reynolds!!!
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[25 Jun 2011|08:31pm]
[info]nyc, i lost my last post. but more lines with everyone.
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[25 Jun 2011|08:32pm]
[info]thehudson Adam Gregory, Sierra Kusterbeck, Colton Haynes, Ashley Tisdale, Dylan O'Brien. More college and high school students. His partner-in-crime at Pace, female or male.
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[25 Jun 2011|08:33pm]
A sister in her mid to late 30s for her @ [info]miami details to be discussed.
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[25 Jun 2011|08:43pm]
[info]seawa a little brother, a little sister, coworkers, neighbors, etc etc.
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[25 Jun 2011|08:44pm]
[info]nyc Just got her applied. Anyone need anything?
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[25 Jun 2011|08:46pm]
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[25 Jun 2011|08:53pm]
[info]nyc some lines, people to talk to
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[25 Jun 2011|08:57pm]
[info]thehudson his parents, his high school girlfriend (would be a lesbian character), his ex-fiance (details can be given!), bitchy characters, frat buddies, more teenage characters, old people, lgbt characters, scandalous characters, someone to compete with, a character like cameron diaz' in bad teacher, jason segel, john krasinski, ginnifer goodwin, amy adams, brooklyn decker, justin bartha, anderson cooper, sarah jessica parker, amy poehler, jason bateman, jesse eisenberg, emma stone, alison brie, georgie henley, leslie mann, idris elba.
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Lets try this again.. [25 Jun 2011|09:03pm]

Lines for this girl?
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[25 Jun 2011|09:09pm]
[info]nyc an older sister and a younger sister. coworkers at his family's pizza place. some people he just can't stand to look at.
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[25 Jun 2011|09:10pm]
Would anyone like a Raina Hein PB for anything? Russian bride, little sister, girl friend?
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[25 Jun 2011|09:16pm]
[info]seawa. Lines for this gay single father while I wait for my partner to get ready to apply?
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[25 Jun 2011|09:20pm]
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[25 Jun 2011|09:20pm]
Leighton Meester, Max Minghella to [info]surfz, please. Also, her older brother (27-28), open to the PB with minimal line details.
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[25 Jun 2011|09:22pm]
Lines for this guy at [info]musiccitymods I would love his ex wife for a complicated line. Friends, co workers and a possible romantic line.
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[25 Jun 2011|09:35pm]
[info]nyc more lines, please! a little sister, exes, more guy friends, best friends and anything else!
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[25 Jun 2011|09:43pm]
[info]nyc lines with members and the new ones coming in, she's in brooklyn
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[25 Jun 2011|09:46pm]
[info]miami lines! she needs an older sister and brother and friends! maybe demi lovato for a cliche bff line, david henrie, victoria justice, ariana grande
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[25 Jun 2011|09:49pm]

Seeking the older man (early to mid 30s) for an older man/younger woman line, can offer PB ideas! Also seeking her openly gay fashion designer brother and missing members of Paranormal State.
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[25 Jun 2011|09:55pm]
[info]nyc roommate, cousins, a brother, best friends of both sexes, ex boyfriends, anything would be amazing!
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[25 Jun 2011|10:09pm]
[info]click freddie on icarly and tinie tempah credits please!
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[25 Jun 2011|10:10pm]
[info]click astrid berges-frisbey, gemma arterton, ashley greene, emmy rossum, rooney mara, miranda kerr, or someone else as his fiancee.
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[25 Jun 2011|10:14pm]
[info]click austin butler as her little brother, andy samberg, jay baruchel, or kyle howard as josh and dave annable or adrian grenier as aidan on being human PRETTY PLEASE? jesse spencer as her brother in i hate you, dad, christina hendricks, alexander skarsgard, more co-stars.
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[25 Jun 2011|10:14pm]
Someone to play Garrett Hedlund for me? if not him, then any other male would do, got any suggestions? Any other guy you'd be willing to offer? Sorry, no musicians or sports men.

It would be PB. As for storylines ideas; well I am down for anything! I can play any female against Garrett. I prefer threading for long & short term storylines. One nighters are welcome and I'll do those over AIM only.

All comments are screened for your privacy, so send forth your AIM names to discuss !
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[25 Jun 2011|10:16pm]
[info]click more co-stars, thomas dekker, ryan eggold, an older brother and sister, an ex-boyfriend for a semi-detailed line, more west end performers, disney enthusiasts
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[25 Jun 2011|10:28pm]
[info]nyc more lines? she's [info]bitchy's little sister.
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[25 Jun 2011|10:29pm]
home options for anyone in my icons? lines sway, no faux celeb, though everything else is alright.
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[25 Jun 2011|10:38pm]
could i get a home or psl for a sierra boggess pb?
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[25 Jun 2011|10:41pm]
[info]progeniture Toad's kid, Dane-Summers, Beast's kids, The Second Worthington, Guthries, some Generation X's kids, and hey! Nightcrawler's kid! We need more guys and Brotherhood members.
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[25 Jun 2011|10:44pm]
[info]click bringing in miranda kerr, anyone need family?
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[25 Jun 2011|10:48pm]
[info]surfz lines with whoever wants them, especially you.
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[25 Jun 2011|10:50pm]
[info]nyc room mate, exes, more friends
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[25 Jun 2011|10:52pm]
[info]nyc please comment my contact post for lines since my notifications are going through sporadically. also, his female best friend from high school that's about 24 years old and a male best friend and his older sister
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[25 Jun 2011|10:54pm]
[info]thealist! her little sister, please! can share lots of details.
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[25 Jun 2011|11:00pm]
[info]surfz Lines with everyone while I try to write her bio up. Would love a cousin or two, a niece or nephew college age for a specific line, and a best girl friend that's the exact opposite of her.
30 comments|post comment

[25 Jun 2011|11:03pm]
[info]nyc lines, but a sister and an ex girlfriend mainly
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[25 Jun 2011|11:10pm]
[info]nyc lines, penn badgley, friends
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[25 Jun 2011|11:16pm]
[info]thehudson taylor kitsch, matt barr, ashley tisdale, chelsea kane, odette annable, robert buckley, ben mckenzie for lines.
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[25 Jun 2011|11:21pm]
home for anyone in my icons would be awesome. lines to go in with seal the deal.
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[25 Jun 2011|11:21pm]
could i get a home for a lauren hastings or sarah stephens pb? storylines are definitely a plus
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[25 Jun 2011|11:25pm]
How about a Ron Mustafaa for a (possibly gay) bff? An older brother for this girl and ~delcaso too! All for [info]miami.
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[25 Jun 2011|11:26pm]
[info]nyc little brother, piercer she apprenticed under, sister(s) and brother(s)-in-law, lines in general
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[25 Jun 2011|11:26pm]
[info]miami David Henrie, Sebastian Stan, Penn Badgley, Jessica szohr, Courteney Cox, Michelle Trachtenberg, and cam gigandet for sls. Lines with everyone else as I try to avoid getting distracted to finish her up.
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[25 Jun 2011|11:28pm]
who is wanted at [info]nyc?
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[25 Jun 2011|11:29pm]
Jared Padelicki, Blake Lively and Chace Crwaford are all wanted for specific lines.
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[25 Jun 2011|11:33pm]
[info]click who is wanted for lines? mostly leaning towards males but will pick up a female
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