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[23 May 2011|12:00am]
[info]columnists held the administrative director but needs help picking a PB!
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[23 May 2011|12:01am]
[info]trainlines an older brother (33), an older sister (28) and maybe a best girlfriend? coworkers and friends would be awesome too!
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[23 May 2011|12:02am]
[info]nwestern lines and a roommate(s)?
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[23 May 2011|12:11am]
[info]columnists who needs lines? this girl.
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[23 May 2011|12:12am]
I miss the days where characters were randomly thrown into a scene together without things being drawn out or plotted to death. The characters and relationships were developed by actually writing scenes. Is there anyone around tonight who feels the same and wouldn't mind tossing a couple of characters together to see what happens?

EDIT: Ignore the icon, I play males and females.
15 comments|post comment

[23 May 2011|12:30am]
Channing Tatum, Misha Collins, Nick Zano, Emmanuelle Chriqui, Camille Guaty, Anjelah Johnson, Haylie Duff - any or all to [info]thehudson, por favor?
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[23 May 2011|12:37am]
[info]nwestern more people to talk to.
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[23 May 2011|12:45am]
[info]brnswick Anyone need a line? Anyone playby James Franco? Hit me up.
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[23 May 2011|12:45am]
[info]familydynasty i'm not getting notifs but i'm going to keep this minimized! lines with everyone please. she could use an ex or two (the relationship wouldn't have been serious), friends, maybe another roomie, more party buds, musicians whose music videos she's been in, fellow models, a fwb, someone she regularly buys her drugs from, someone to bicker with, and anything you might need. her info is in the journal!
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[23 May 2011|12:49am]
[info]columnists more lines for this sex columnist? How about an intern who has read all his columns and books? A fan, really? Eh?
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[23 May 2011|12:56am]
Maybe late at night isn't the best time to do this but I would love to see his brothers and sisters over at [info]hheadislemod! New game with many popular faces still open! Friendly , active writers!
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[23 May 2011|01:13am]
Just joined this great new city/town/secrets game and would love to get some more people in! The writers that are there so far have all proven to be very welcoming so come check it out over at [info]heavyisthehead, Personally would love to see his best bud/army buddy in the game. Of course Jensen Ackles or Misha Collins would be love but I'm not too particular on the face! Plenty of popular pbs still open!
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ignore the journal [23 May 2011|01:16am]
i was thinking [info]seawa but what are some other city/town options for this jarrod gorbel pb, just in case?
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[23 May 2011|01:26am]
lines with everyone at [info]nwestern.
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[23 May 2011|01:33am]
[info]nwestern lines to possibly wake up to? if not, what other west coast games are out there?
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[23 May 2011|01:54am]
[info]nwestern It shouldn't be this hard to get a Zac Efron.
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[23 May 2011|02:08am]
[info]prtland Chris Hemsworth for a line!
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[23 May 2011|02:29am]
Thinking of taking her to [info]familydynasty. Daughter of Hugh Jackman. Could I get a Travie Mccoy as her older brother Oscar? Maybe Alexander and Samuel Schreiber as childhood friends??
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[23 May 2011|03:03am]
[info]nwestern julianne hough while I finish this dude up/upload icons.
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[23 May 2011|03:36am]
[info]columnists lines to wake up to? aaron is the associate director.
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[23 May 2011|03:40am]
[info]columnists Rosamund Pike, John Cho, Amber Heard, Zoe Saldana, Chris Pine, Paul Bettany, and of course lines for the managing director.
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Its bad timing, I know. [23 May 2011|03:46am]
[info]oldharbor Joseph Gordon-Levitt for an epic bromance/best friend since the beginning of time kind of line. The lead guitarist and singer for his and [info]frly's band would be cool too.
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[23 May 2011|03:50am]
would anyone pb rory culkin against hayden or emma roberts or kieran culkin against anna kendrick?
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[23 May 2011|04:45am]
[info]familydynasty before I give into total exhaustion - a modern day brat pack svp!
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[23 May 2011|04:57am]
[info]click i need his bandmate and platonic bff! they sound like slow club.
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[23 May 2011|05:37am]

Maybe bringing in another character. Male or female if anyone wants to work on something! This guy needs girls he sleeps with behind his girlfriend's back, two older brothers, three younger sisters. Friends, enemies, more coworkers.
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[23 May 2011|06:08am]
Opens May 31
or with 15 applications

7/15 applications

More secrets added all the time, but feel free to come up with your own!

BasicsCommunitiesFor Players
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» Contacts/Friend Adder
» Post a secret
» Request a line
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[23 May 2011|07:02am]
Need some fresh blood at [info]seawa! Ideally, some folk to come work at the music venue Jas manages and some people he could have a history with!
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[23 May 2011|07:06am]
[info]columnists his p.a! Someone for a bromance, maybe brad pitt?
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[23 May 2011|07:19am]
[info]familydynasty just another reminder that all current holds that have not applied have until 3PM today to comment the holds post and claim it. All unclaimed holds will be wiped then and become available for other people to use. we apologize if this is inconvenient but this is the best way we can think of to eliminate the people that hold and then never show life or apply.
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[23 May 2011|07:22am]
[info]familydynasty an ex for something specific and any other lines i can get
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[23 May 2011|07:29am]

Please? Haha. I want it to open sooner!
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[23 May 2011|07:30am]
[info]summoned MAGE hold, you there? If not, I'm swooping in. Swooping is bad.
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[23 May 2011|08:11am]
Leighton Meester as his daughter with [info]ameliaway.
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[23 May 2011|08:50am]
Is [info]charleejacobs around? :3
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[23 May 2011|08:55am]
home for her?
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[23 May 2011|09:03am]
[info]nwestern a best friend that she can party with, maybe a younger sister or brother, and any other amazing lines!
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[23 May 2011|09:12am]
[info]trainlines students and a teaching aide.
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[23 May 2011|09:19am]
i'm looking for a "boyfriend". it would be for public relations purposes only. [info]click
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[23 May 2011|09:23am]
[info]summoned craig horner, sam worthington, henry cavill, jensen ackles, chris hemsworth, or jake gyllenhaal for a line. Or maybe tom welling, matt bomer, or anyone with dark hair and blue eyes as her older brother that's a champion too?
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[23 May 2011|09:24am]
[info]click her younger sister and her ex-fiance, please.
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[23 May 2011|09:26am]

Next round of adds 5/24!
about | taken | held | wanted | application
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[23 May 2011|09:33am]
[info]nwestern headed into work but lines to come back to (or work out while shit is slow) would be stellar
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[23 May 2011|09:37am]
[info]hheadisle; adds are tonight!
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[23 May 2011|09:40am]
[info]familydynasty Whedon-verse children, Gideon Burtka-Harris and Shaelyn Killam
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[23 May 2011|09:47am]
[info]brnswick Natalie Portman,Cillian Murphy,Sinnea Miller,Eva Mendes. All for lines.
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[23 May 2011|09:49am]
[info]thehudson her younger sister, an ex and a male and female for nonromantic but specific lines!
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[23 May 2011|09:56am]
[info]blueridge adds on wednesday! lots of popular pbs still open, as well as many positions in both wolf packs, the fae court, and the vampire clan. also, check out our wanted character list.
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[23 May 2011|10:03am]
[info]click can i get a nathan followill to come in as his brother and bandmate?
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[23 May 2011|10:03am]
[info]familydynasty who can resist the burtka-harris twins? paging gideon
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[23 May 2011|10:04am]
[info]brnswick. I would love some close friends for this prissy girl, and some co-workers (she works at a nail salon) for her.
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[23 May 2011|10:09am]
[info]thehudson Anyone interested in joining as Jenny's tennis instructor? I'm thinking a male in his early 30s for some fun, flirting, and maybe a fling. PBs are flexible!
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[23 May 2011|10:10am]
[info]oldharbor lines &her two brothers please!
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[23 May 2011|10:12am]
[info]summoned Tom Felton, Zac Efron or Max Irons as a wood elf for a line. Might be open to other face suggestions. There are tons more much needed characters here !
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[23 May 2011|10:17am]
[info]nwestern more friends
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[23 May 2011|10:19am]
[info]blueridge sarah michelle gellar or ali larter as his older sister. minka kelly, chace crawford, sebastian stan, jason aldean, and blake shelton wanted for lines!
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[23 May 2011|10:20am]
Home for this guy? City/town preferred. I have an idea for who he is going to be but I don't have anything worked out family history wise. If not a home then psl?
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[23 May 2011|10:21am]
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[23 May 2011|10:27am]
[info]summoned Lines and possible alternative pb suggestions for a High Elf weaponsmith?
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[23 May 2011|10:30am]
[info]cerebro Where is everyone?!?!
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[23 May 2011|10:31am]
[info]nwestern Joe Walker, seriously. You're needed to complete my life. More of the Starkids, more of the Glee folk, etc. etc. Fortune cookies aren't cool, the past three I've had have not had fortunes in them, they've been really bad advice. I am not a fan.
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[23 May 2011|10:32am]
[info]brnswick his cousin. she's female and they grew up together.
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[23 May 2011|10:35am]
[info]brnswick dustin milligan, mark salling, michael trevino, penn badgley, shia labeouf, alexandra daddario, cam gigandet, paul wesley, andrew garfield, garrett hedlund, charlie hunnam, robert pattinson, kellan lutz and anyone else!
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[23 May 2011|10:35am]
I'd really love fo the Matt Cohen hold to get in contact with me! Otherwise, I need a party guy/asshole for a line with her and [info]bjsmith! Epic love triangle in the works!
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[23 May 2011|10:38am]
[info]nwestern i'd love to see a male for a specific non-romantic line in adds tonight. i promise it will be fun. lines with all the other holds!
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[23 May 2011|10:42am]
[info]columnists More lines for the Agony Aunt while I finish off his bio.
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[23 May 2011|10:49am]
[info]prtland! Other 30+ guys to befriend, an ex or two, lines with any and all!
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[23 May 2011|10:50am]
would sophia bush be wanted for lines anywhere?
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[23 May 2011|10:51am]
[info]columnists more lines for this sex & relationship columnist whose column and blog is titled '99 Problems but an STD Ain't One'. bio & facts
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[23 May 2011|10:53am]
[info]blueridge sean combs or snoop dogg for mammon, and cillian murphy for leviathan.
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[23 May 2011|10:56am]
[info]click i think i have her twin brother, so all i request is a saoirse ronan to be her best friend, and for [info]niclas to return!
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[23 May 2011|11:01am]
home for this disgraced award-winning scientist?
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[23 May 2011|11:05am]
Super heroes exist. So do the villains, the mutants, and the alien races you've heard whispered about. Society has deemed mutants unsafe and across the globe the Mutant Registration Act is being talked about and decided upon. If this passes, what's next for the super-kind?

will you...
[info]benormal, [info]bemarvelous or [info]bemarveled?

The game opens May 27th!
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[23 May 2011|11:10am]
[info]columnists a long-term boyfriend that she's pretty bored with, russell brand for something scandalous, a best girlfriend in the office, people who think she's off her rocker. other lines would be sweet, too!
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[23 May 2011|11:14am]
[info]familydynasty lines with anyone i haven't spoken with yet and maybe some guy friends? he's drowning in estrogen (not that he minds).
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[23 May 2011|11:22am]
[info]blueridge his little sister, not picky on her pb but i can offer suggestions if needed!
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[23 May 2011|11:22am]
[info]rogerebert her ex girlfriend (30+ pb), amanda seyfried, josh duhamel, brian austin green and dominic monaghan for lines. sucker punch, the nanny and l word costars.
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[23 May 2011|11:23am]
[info]columnists we have a big variety of unheld roles still available and lots of popular pbs free. I'd love to come back to some more holds and applications!
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[23 May 2011|11:30am]
[info]click matt smith and arthur darvill for her live band members, please!
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[23 May 2011|11:34am]
[info]familydynasty the rest of the jolie-pitt clan
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[23 May 2011|11:39am]
[info]click matt smith for a line
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[23 May 2011|11:45am]
[info]brnswick cillian murphy for a ex line with ~ibel
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[23 May 2011|11:52am]
[info]prtland 30+ people for friends, male or female. Jason Segal, too!
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[23 May 2011|11:55am]
[info]click kayla ewell and cassie steele, an ex, someone with the vocal clam of "we the kings", and anything else!
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[23 May 2011|11:57am]
Next adds are tonight 9pm EST!!!

James Franco, Steven Tyler, Chace Crawford, Kris Allen, Shane West, Justin Chambers, Diego Luna, Jackson Rathbone, Amber Riley, Kellan Lutz, Ryan Reynolds, Cory Monteith, Carrie Underwood, Rachel McAdams, Steven R. McQueen, Romeo, Greg Vaughn, Joey Fatone, Eric Dane, Leighton Meester, Miley Cyrus, Lance Bass, Amanda Seyfried, Wentworth Miller, Max Irons, Chris Colfer, Jessica Szohr, Josh Henderson, Matt Lanter, Michael Trevino, Dakota Fanning, Chord Overstreet, Steven Strait, Andy Sixx, Bobby Hicks, Liam Hemsworth, Diane Lane, Kristen Bell, Chris Pine and many more are wanted!
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[23 May 2011|11:57am]
[info]zodiacs; dead holds will be removed tonight! nows your chance to come at us like a thief and snatch them up. :)
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[23 May 2011|12:04pm]
What city games exist that are developed (aka, not new) and place emphasis on writing and development of characters?
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[23 May 2011|12:05pm]
[info]columnists hayden christensen, where are you?
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[23 May 2011|12:07pm]
psl or home for joey richter? lines sway
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[23 May 2011|12:09pm]
[info]prtland Katherine Heigl or Rachel Nichols (or anyone else who may fit) as her sister. Lines with anyone else!
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[23 May 2011|12:12pm]
[info]ccsf city college of san francisco! check us out
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[23 May 2011|12:17pm]
[info]thehudson josh hutcherson for a line, high school students, more lines.
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[23 May 2011|12:26pm]
home for this misha collins pb?
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[23 May 2011|12:29pm]
[info]nwestern smoking circle friends, art buds, ink clients, playdate parents, girls he's messed with freshman year, anything and everything.

p.s. nicki minaj would be amazing for a specific line
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[23 May 2011|12:31pm]
[info]familydynasty Lines for this girl and her brother to show up.
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[23 May 2011|12:35pm]
[info]click would matt smith be wanted for anything? anyone looking to have credits filled? i'm happy making him a musician or actor
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[23 May 2011|12:47pm]
[info]columnists handing out lines like they're candy and i've got a white van
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[23 May 2011|12:50pm]
[info]familydynasty lines for her? she's the daughter of kate winslet, and i need anything and everything you can throw at me!
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[23 May 2011|12:51pm]
[info]familydynasty now that my internet if finally working and i'm not on my phone, how about some lines while i finish her up? close friends, costars, an ex or two, people who don't put up with her sass, someone to have a fashion blog with, an older sister type to call beezus, emmeline bale, deacon phillippe, ava phillippe
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[23 May 2011|12:54pm]
[info]trainlines I'd love some lines!
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[23 May 2011|12:56pm]
[info]columnists i've completely lost track of my line threads in here so if i randomly stopped responding to you, i apologize! more lines while i chug away on her bio. i'm especially looking for 1) a drunken fling from the holiday party she's mortified by and determined to avoid at all costs; 2) interns/admins/other young'uns for her to "mentor"; 3) liabilities for her to keep tabs on; 4) HUMAN RESOURCES.
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[23 May 2011|12:57pm]
[info]loserlikeglee A slightly AU Glee based game, looking for more Carmel, Dalton, and Crawford County Day students for our awesome little game. I specifically would love a few catty friends for my Vocal Adrenaline character. Think something along the lines of the plastics from Mean Girls. TRUST ME, IT'S HILARIOUS. :)
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[23 May 2011|01:09pm]
[info]familydynasty the boy that broke her heart when she was just a young little thing & her best guy friend.
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[23 May 2011|01:12pm]
[info]familydynasty I'd love some lines. Close friends, an epic bromance, ex girlfriends, I'm open for whatever!
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[23 May 2011|01:23pm]
[info]salemshollow looking for a couple younger siblings, male or female. a secretary for his small business. an ex. a bff.
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[23 May 2011|01:27pm]
Home for a Crystal Renn?
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[23 May 2011|01:27pm]
[info]nwestern a best friend, zta sisters, an ex, classmates, a roomie, you name it!
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[23 May 2011|01:30pm]
Located in Hilton Head, SC

Holds | Taken Females | Taken Males | Rules | Application


Please DO NOT spam any of the advertisement communities. Be courteous.
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[23 May 2011|01:32pm]
[info]thehudson katerina graham and zach roerig for lines, other close friends, other artists, neighbors, nyu graduates, etc!
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[23 May 2011|01:36pm]
[info]nwestern a sister, if possible! zeta tau alpha ladies, and more lines!
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[23 May 2011|01:38pm]
Looking for a home with this Matthew Perry face. Lines would be a major bonus.
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[23 May 2011|01:38pm]
[info]familydynasty kingston rossdale!
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[23 May 2011|01:39pm]
[info]familydynasty deva cassel and marcel canet pretty please, anyone want to come up with a line?
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[23 May 2011|01:44pm]
[info]zodiacs Now that I finally have time to write again, I demand more lines!
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[23 May 2011|01:44pm]
[info]familydynasty ignore the journal. was thinking of bringing in willa holland as the second grohl child, harper. so any line ideas would be all kinds of lovely, especially from that sister of hers.
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[23 May 2011|01:48pm]
[info]nwestern lines while i set up?
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[23 May 2011|01:51pm]
Anybody want a brad pitt? No faux celeb, please.
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[23 May 2011|01:52pm]
[info]familydynasty lines with everyone please. she could use an ex or two (the relationship wouldn't have been serious), friends, maybe another roomie, more party buds, musicians whose music videos she's been in, fellow models, a fwb, someone she regularly buys her drugs from, someone to bicker with, and anything you might need. her info is in the journal!
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[23 May 2011|01:57pm]
Thinking of taking her to [info]familydynasty. Daughter of Hugh Jackman. Could I get a Travie Mccoy as her older brother Oscar? Maybe Alexander and Samuel Schreiber as childhood friends??
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[23 May 2011|02:08pm]
[info]prtland! Lines for an out-and-out hipster bartender? Some faces I’d love to see around: Justin Timberlake, Jason Segel, Natalie Portman, Sam Rockwell, James Franco, Tina Fey!
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[23 May 2011|02:10pm]

Great new community opening at 15 applications or May 31st!! Come join the fun. This girl needs more lines. An ex, friends, haters, etc!
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[23 May 2011|02:15pm]
Got fired today...got a LOT of time on my hands to RPG now.
Check the journal, suggest a home or something.
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[23 May 2011|02:16pm]
[info]nwestern which one would you rather see more; brittany robertson or ashley benson? bringing in ashley benson, lines for [info]chrli's little sister. she's pretty much a blank slate. i'd like to find a senior guy for a specific line.
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[23 May 2011|02:37pm]
[info]familydynasty lines, lines, lines. oh and maude apatow of course!
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[23 May 2011|02:38pm]
[info]nwestern Zac Efron for a fun sl. A male to maybe get her to rethink her thoughts on relationships and a best girl friend. People she hasn't hit up for sls come comment here and we will work something out.
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[23 May 2011|02:41pm]
[info]nwestern adds tonight at 11pm est!
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[23 May 2011|02:42pm]
[info]familydynasty lines, who wants them? i need them.
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[23 May 2011|02:43pm]
[info]columnists lines for a snarky ny native photographer s'il vous plait?
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[23 May 2011|02:47pm]
[info]familydynasty where is the lea? more lines with everyone?
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warning; premise is kind of dark [23 May 2011|02:53pm]
So I'm currently reading the book "Crash Into Me" by Albert Borris and its got me in the mood to try (again) and see if anyone would be interested in a small group PSL based loosely off the books premise. The storyline would revolve around 4-6 people (teens to early twenties) who met online or in other various ways (hospitals, juvy, school etc.) The one thing they have in common is that they have all atempted suicide. They get together and form a pact. The group will take a trip to visit the grave sites of famous people who have killed themselves. Each will pick one, with the trip ending in Death Valley, CA where they plan to follow through with the pact. The question is, will they?
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[23 May 2011|02:57pm]
[info]click. shirley and pierce to complete our community study group! i have pb suggestions and love to give.
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[23 May 2011|03:02pm]
[info]click the ex-fiance who pulled a tiger woods and was sleeping around with various women and the younger sister who is an actress and constantly telling jess to behave like a lady.
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[23 May 2011|03:04pm]
what siblings are wanted at [info]familydynasty? i'd prefer to use joey richter or darren criss for the face.
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[23 May 2011|03:05pm]
[info]nwestern does anyone need a sister, ex, cousin, best friend, whatever?
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[23 May 2011|03:05pm]

Travel Channel hosts for lines?
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[23 May 2011|03:07pm]
[info]hillies more incoming freshmen and girls on the tennis team, svp!
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[23 May 2011|03:13pm]

Lines for the video blogger while I plug away at her facts sheet?
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[23 May 2011|03:17pm]
[info]familydynasty All holds that were not claimed have been cleared. Lots of babies and faces are now available. Adds are tomorrow and we'd love to see more applications before then.
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[23 May 2011|03:19pm]
[info]summoned craig horner, sam worthington, henry cavill, jensen ackles, chris hemsworth, or jake gyllenhaal for a line.
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[23 May 2011|03:24pm]
[info]click i am bringing in the actor who played logan echolls on veronica mars. could i get his veronica mars, duncan kane, lilly kane, etc?
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[23 May 2011|03:26pm]
[info]thehudson anybody play jennifer morrison? i'd like her for a line. i can provide icons!
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[23 May 2011|03:27pm]
[info]bloglog bands to promote, manage, and book, ex-girlfriends in new york and california, co-workers, he could use a best male friend, cousins, i'm really up for just about anything he could fill
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[23 May 2011|03:34pm]
Would she be needed for anything at [info]nwestern?
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[23 May 2011|03:38pm]
[info]familydynasty lines with everyone.
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[23 May 2011|03:40pm]
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[23 May 2011|03:43pm]
no rest for the wicked until miley cyrus and darren criss report to [info]hillies
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[23 May 2011|03:47pm]
[info]blueridge emma stone for a family line!
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[23 May 2011|03:49pm]
[info]familydynasty gideon burtka-harris and i need lines!
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[23 May 2011|03:53pm]

The older man for an older man/younger woman romantic line? I have PB ideas along with some credit options!
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[23 May 2011|03:54pm]
[info]heavyisthehead - A game based around secrets.

Cccccheck it out.
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[23 May 2011|03:55pm]
Ryan Pinkston, Scarlett Johansson, Mark Salling, Paul Wesley, Andrew Garfield, Garrett Hedlund, Robert Pattinson, Kellan Lutz, Natalie Portman, Eva Mendes, Cillian Murphy, Sinnea Miller, Katherine Heigl, Hayden Christensen, Justin Timberlake, Tom Welling, Zack Conroy, Alexandra Daddario, Anne Hathaway, Michael Trevino, Milo Ventimiglia for lines.

Otherwise the game needs parents, a crazy uncle, prissy girls, loud neighbors who won't stop breaking up and making up, drinking buddies, and so much more. Come to [info]brnswick!
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[23 May 2011|03:56pm]
[info]familydynasty I'm wondering if [info]momart is still around. If not, I'd love to see Moses Martin around to have a super close sibling line with. Also, any exes (male or female), co-stars, friends and even some enemies.
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[23 May 2011|03:56pm]
[info]trainlines his ex-wife. his bromance from college. his best girl friend from college. his two younger brothers, and younger sister.

more glee kids.
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[23 May 2011|03:57pm]
[info]familydynasty lines for billy ray burton, son of tim burton and helena bonham carter and jack depp for his best friend and roommate
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[23 May 2011|03:57pm]
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[23 May 2011|03:59pm]
[info]nwestern lines for this freshman dancer? she's pretty much a blank slate.
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[23 May 2011|04:01pm]
[info]familydynasty Does anyone need anything? I'm looking for just about anything. Give it here.
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[23 May 2011|04:02pm]
[info]familydynasty now that my power has returned. Stupid tornado/thunderstorms lines while I finish her bio ie; re write it because of a power outage.
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[23 May 2011|04:16pm]
[info]columnists; Lines while I finish up her bio? I wouldn't say no to an office romance! Especially one that includes bickering.
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[23 May 2011|04:18pm]
[info]seawa some guy friends, co-workers, possibly a sister
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[23 May 2011|04:19pm]
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[23 May 2011|04:27pm]
[info]click a girl for a line
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[23 May 2011|04:29pm]
[info]familydynasty what faces and babies are wanted to fill lines? open to m or f.
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[23 May 2011|04:32pm]
what's the dealio, [info]blueridge?
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[23 May 2011|04:33pm]
[info]nwestern more lines for this guy? love a sister and anything else we can brainstorm
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[23 May 2011|04:33pm]
[info]familydynasty lily rose and jack depp, please. and lines!
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[23 May 2011|04:37pm]
[info]thehudson, some lines please?
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[23 May 2011|04:39pm]
[info]familydynasty. what babies are most wanted? m or f!
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thank you, ij for actually loving me now. [23 May 2011|04:44pm]
[info]click how about some lines for [info]jwitte's younger sister? some of her credits are in the journal, but i'm always up for hearing more suggestions! so, if anybody is around just give me something!
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[23 May 2011|04:50pm]
[info]nwestern best friend, roommate for the fall, work out buddies, crushes, drinking pals, cousins, anything.
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[23 May 2011|04:50pm]
[info]familydynasty maude and iris apatow, alice richmond, archie and abel arnett, magnus, mattius and axel ferrell, pearl and lucille anderson (maya rudolph's girls), sadie and sunny sandler, jack rudd, etc. also, co-stars, she has the credits of kat dennings, and lines of all shapes and sizes, please!
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[23 May 2011|04:54pm]
[info]brnswick Some cousins and older brothers for this girl!
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[23 May 2011|04:55pm]
[info]ccsf we open with 10+ applications!
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[23 May 2011|04:58pm]
[info]familydynasty more lines with everyone! she is the daughter of smg & freddie prinze jr. she's got credits of she & him. looking for her other half for her band, male best friend, former classmates, musician buddies, party friends, a few exes, her first love. anything really!
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[23 May 2011|04:59pm]
[info]familydynasty lines for camille homme, daughter of josh homme and brody dalle? and idk maybe her bff violet grohl?
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[23 May 2011|05:02pm]
Can I get her girlfriend to [info]prtland? I have a few details and can suggest faces. They have a very volatile, on and off relationship so it won't be pure fluff by any means.
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[23 May 2011|05:03pm]
[info]summoned I'm contemplating joining this place! Is it awesome? Possible lines? I don't know what I'd join as, yet, only that I'd like to use this face so ideas would be welcome.
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[23 May 2011|05:08pm]
would he be wanted anywhere? can change to an ic journal too
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[23 May 2011|05:09pm]
could she fill any lines at [info]click? i think she'll have the music of marina and the diamonds.
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[23 May 2011|05:12pm]
[info]collardgreens charleston, south carolina! taking holds and apps. get your apps in and we'll do adds tomorrow or wednesday!
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[info]barmodzvah [23 May 2011|05:23pm]
coding by phuckinllamas via rp_tutorials
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[23 May 2011|05:26pm]
Because True Blood is right around the corner would anyone be up for a supernatural PSL?
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[23 May 2011|05:32pm]
Just finished up Jennifer Walters for the lovely [info]bemarveled! I'd love to see some Avengers, especially green ones. Or maybe a Juggernaut for the lulz!
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[23 May 2011|05:40pm]
[info]frpadmin for [info]fantasyislandrp

RPattz for a flirting line.

Het only! We have a sane David Tennant pb! More Whoverse people.
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[23 May 2011|05:41pm]
[info]familydynasty Thinking about bringing Emme Muñiz, J.Lo's daughter with the face of Naya Rivera or Delilah Fishburne with the face of Annie Ilonzeh. Who would be wanted more?
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[23 May 2011|05:44pm]
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[23 May 2011|05:47pm]
[info]thealist the rest of the glee cast, sam from perks of being a wallflower, and gwen stacey from spiderman. i can suggest pbs and offer lines!
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[23 May 2011|05:47pm]
[info]familydynasty I'm going to comment all of your lovely posts and my goal is to have her done by tonight so lines in the mean time would be fabulous. her older sister and half brothers would be particularly amazing.
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[23 May 2011|05:49pm]
[info]salemshollow! More holds.
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[23 May 2011|05:50pm]
[info]familydynasty, some lines?
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[23 May 2011|05:53pm]
looking for either a slash or het specific supernatural psl
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[23 May 2011|05:54pm]
[info]nwestern lines with everyone, his adopted siblings, exes, male friends as i apply him so i stop getting harassed.
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[23 May 2011|05:56pm]
[info]familydynasty would you rather see taylor momsen or shenae grimes?
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[23 May 2011|05:57pm]
Hi any SLs needing to be filled?
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[23 May 2011|05:59pm]
[info]columnists man friends to do man things with, a PYT to be his assistant, an office affair, heck! an assistant to have an affair with
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[23 May 2011|05:59pm]
[info]click could i please get amanda seyfried, rooney mara, deborah ann woll, doutzen kroes, jessica stroup, gemma ward, sara paxton, spencer grammer, julianne hough, emily didonato, or abigail halliday for a specific line?
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[23 May 2011|06:04pm]
[info]columnists just held rosamund as the news editor. lines, por favor!
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[23 May 2011|06:10pm]
[info]nwestern lines with all the new folk.
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[[info]unitedwestand] [23 May 2011|06:10pm]
Seeking new, invested players for a thread-based, post-apocalyptic survival game. We love realism and character development above all things. This is a story about real people in extreme situations. Check out [info]unitedwestand for premise, faq, and more information. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to contact the mods!
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[23 May 2011|06:12pm]
[info]salemshollow people to appy! more holds. a best friend. an ex. two younger siblings.
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