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Posts Tagged: 'klaus+mikaelson+%28au%29'

Jan. 27th, 2014



[No Subject]

Who: Klaus (AU) & OTA
When: Tonight
Where: Shark Reef Aquarium
Rating: PG?
Warnings: N/A
Summary: Klaus has been drinking. Heavily.
Status: Open (TVD or TO characters would be great, but anyone can tag)/ Incomplete


Klaus turned back around and considered the sharks once again. He supposed he could relate to the misunderstood predators. The top of the food chain, nature's perfect killing machine. He frowned. Or maybe he was just drunk. )

Jan. 25th, 2014



an awkward sort of reunion after being 'lost in the woods'

characters: caroline & klaus mikaelson (au)
setting: klaus's room, early afternoon
summary: caroline finds out that klaus turned davina, and they have other issues to deal with too.
rating/warnings: tbd, will update as needed, but definitely talk of vampire stuff
status: in progress | closed

She hadn't thought much about seeing Klaus again would be like, after recent events. )



[No Subject]

Who: Klaus (AU) and Davina, with a cameo by Caroline (canon).
When: Now
Where: Davina's room
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Minimal violence, general vampire stuff
Summary: Davina is hemorrhaging magic, and Klaus is going to "help" her "control" her magic! Yay helpful!Klaus...
Status: Closed / Incomplete


Davina couldn't keep living if Vegas wanted to keep standing )

Jan. 18th, 2014



[No Subject]

Who: Diana, Klaus (AU)
When: Today, evening-ish
Where: One of the hallways of Mandalay Bay
Rating: Probably PG/PG-13ish
Warnings: Discussion of violence, possibly blood
Summary: Random pairing-Diana and Klaus are both curious about the goings-on in the hotel, for different reasons.
Status: Closed, in-progress

An Amazon and an Original walk into a bar... )

Jan. 1st, 2014



A reunion of sorts

characters: caroline and klaus (au)
setting: around the hotel to start with, around 7pm
summary: caroline runs into klaus, one of them, at least
rating/warnings: tbd, will update as needed
status: in progress | open, just let one of us know if you want to tag in

Caroline was lost in thought as she wandered down the hall )