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Posts Tagged: 'kara+%28canon%29'

Feb. 6th, 2014



[No Subject]

Who: Kara and Luke Castellan
Where: Caesar's Palace
What: They have a private discussion rather than air it on the network
When: Wednesday, late afternoon/early evening
Rating: TBD
Status: Closed/Incomplete

Romans, Greeks, and Egyptians oh my )

Feb. 3rd, 2014



[No Subject]

Who: Kara and Kevin Tran
When: Monday Afternoon
Where: The House of Blues
Rating: G
Warnings: awkwardness
Summary: Kara would like to hear Kevin play
Status: Closed/Incomplete

Kevin Tran, Advanced Placement, Prophet of the Lord, and Android Whisperer )

Jan. 29th, 2014



[No Subject]

Who: Kara and Leoben
When: Wednesday Afternoon
Where: Lobby
Rating: TBD
Warnings: TBD
Summary: Android vs Cylon observation styles
Status: Closed/Complete

The Almost People )

Jan. 24th, 2014



[No Subject]

Who: Kara and Wade
When: Friday Evening
Where: The Excalibur
Rating: TBD
Warnings: Wade
Summary: Dancing, gambling, fun times
Status: Closed/Incomplete

It was an illusion, but a pretty one )

Jan. 15th, 2014



[No Subject]

Who: Wade and Kara
When: TBD
Where: Mandalay Bay main lobby
Rating: Maybe PG-13 for language
Warnings: language, possibly
Summary:Wade decides to try helping Kara adjust to being her own person. 
Status: Closed, In progress

After having sent a message to Kara, asking her to meet him in the lobby, Wade changed out of his costume, and into a pair of jeans, boots, and.... sigh... a Hawaiian shirt with palm trees all over it (He thought it made him look totally Magnum PI), and headed down toward the front desk.

He wasn't sure why he felt such a kinship toward the android, as well as such a fierce desire to protect her... but he suspected it had something to do with know she was created with nothing but servitude in mind. It somehow wrapped a finger around several of his inner triggers (including all the things Weaon X had done to him) and just PULLED.

Oh, sure, there was still that part of him, the part that had, for years, thought only of himself, that wanted to see if he could find a way to alter her programming, make her serve HIM... but the bigger part of him, the part that was determined to be a hero, quickly squelched that.

Maybe that was it, he thought to himself as he waited for her, maybe THAT'S why I want to help her so bad: redemption.

Jan. 12th, 2014



[No Subject]

Who: Kara and OTA
When: During and immediately after this
Where: The Vegas Sign
Rating: low
Warnings: should be none.
Summary: Kara arrives and is very confused.
Status: Open/Incomplete