Dec. 13th, 2021




Had a vision.

Compared to some others I've had, this one was actually pretty pleasant.

Fluffy fields of snow, as far as the eye could see.




You know, I didn't think a happy memory could exist in that other world. But this snow globe managed to find one.

Dec. 2nd, 2021




Right so I don't really know how to start this post in any sort of artistic way, I'll just get right to the point!

I opened up a box of things I usually only drag out around the Christmas season, as you do, and amongst the bits and bobs of glitter and plastic christmas trees I found a sort of... well it's a snow globe, yeah? You know the things, you must know, this is exactly the kind of place to find something touristy like this.

Pick it up, swirl it about, watch the glitter or snow - or both, if you prefer as I do - and it's really quite delightful! Except that it was me and someone from that other life in the globe, which is rather peculiar, isn't it? He was on his horse, I had my lute. We were coming back from an adventure, I was composing a song.

Really a very fond memory, but how did it get into a snow globe I wonder? I certainly never had it custom made.

Nov. 25th, 2021




Well, it's as if the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is tailored just to my recent performances.

"Sparkling Diamonds" from Moulin Rouge!, followed by "Ex-Wives/Six" from Six not to mention Wicked - well, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't doing the related choreography.

I always do feel bad for performers who are in sleeveless outfits while performing in 40* weather, though.




Thanksgiving with the fam is going to get interesting.

Mom chose to wait until today to tell me, Bethany, and Carver via the family group chat (which was Bethany's idea, bless her--I tried to warn her it would mainly end up containing sibling meme wars and confusing and/or disturbing Mom, but...anyway) that we have two last minute additions to the family table:

1. Her estranged younger brother who none of us kids has met before, and

2. his daughter that NONE of the family have met--and apparently only Mom and Bethany knew about because of one of those DNA sites.

Carver and I are scrambling to put together a drinking game. I foresee a hangover in our futures.

Nov. 19th, 2021




Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.

But not by much.


You probably want an explanation.




I found a shabby old rag doll in my camera bag this afternoon. It wasn't in there this morning. I'm pretty sure I would have noticed it.

I hope it was Bring Your Child To Work day today or something and some one's kid left it in there, otherwise I think I know what this doll is and I don't want it.

Nov. 8th, 2021




Alright. I said I'd claim responsibility if things went to shit after I called Las Vegas out, and I'm a man of my word. Most of the time. At least THIS time, I'm a man of my word. So - my bad. Yup. Not sure if this is a sorry or a sorry not sorry situation, but there you go.

Nov. 6th, 2021




So on the one hand? That whole thing was very confusifying and odd.

On the other? I think I want to learn judo. Or something like it.

Nov. 3rd, 2021




Who has two thumbs and nearly got hit by a few dozen cars this morning because he saw some weird shit that didn't exist? spaced out? This guy.

...I feel like my head is in a fog. Been staring up at the skyline like a tourist all day, someone offered me a travel leaflet but I live here.. All the same I can't seem to get into anything important today so guess it's a fuck off work day. They asked if I was dying since I called in, I never call in. The question is, what to do with the free time now?

Nov. 1st, 2021




Um, I don't really have any answers, or know what happened so I can't answer those questions, but I'm working on a way to try and get people out of the energy field who are trapped. I just need to make sure first that there won't be any sort of negative reaction before I do anything. And if anyone has a count of how many people, that would be great too.

[Filtered to those who know Wanda]
I don't know if there's anyone on this side of the energy field who has answers, or really how many are on this side, but is there anyone on this side of the energy field who knows Wanda Maximoff?

I'm okay. Not entirely sure what's going on or started this, but I managed to get out.

Oct. 31st, 2021




I've been waiting to hear news from or about this dome that's appeared over the city but...

This is something to be concerned over, isn't it?

Oct. 27th, 2021




I can't believe it's almost Halloween! This month has flown by. What's everyone dressing up as?




I feel like dressing up as a sexy pirate for halloween. I have no idea why.




If anyone is missing any mysterious damsels, I found one and she is safe.

Oct. 24th, 2021




I like how my dating life is bad no matter where or when it's happening. Apparently my bad taste in men is a multiuniversal constant.




Earth is a ravioli

Oct. 22nd, 2021




We've had a great October where absolutely nothing weird happened and I'm feeling like that's pretty strange.

The white boards need fodder, people. Come on. Is there weirdness? Were you sucked into one of those portal things and wounded and now you have to run around with an electromagnet strapped to your chest? Did you suddenly learn a new language out of nowhere?

Tony needs to know, the white boards are thirsty. Also like, hey, I wanna help if I can. Maybe there's something you can't figure out or some tech that needs putting together (a lot of us are getting pieces of stuff from some other universe, right?) and you need a bigger space or better tools, or what have you.

We've got plenty of space and there's no strings attached. I've even got paperwork I'll sign that swears to it.

Oct. 21st, 2021




What's the worst fucking day you've ever had?

Oct. 16th, 2021




My mark is complete, I think. Nothing quite like having a brand of the state seared into the back of your neck.

There was a time not to long ago when it would have been a lot harder for me to see that as what it is.

it is so tempting to drink


Are you all right? Trying to be calm, trying to not panic call