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Random Post of Randomness [01 Jul 2014|06:59am]
So, I shut down my personal server space to save money. Today is the last day of hosting there and while I have every thing copied to my hard drive, I've been reluctant to begin the fight with Photobucket to change links in my IJ accounts. I worked on that yesterday and I'm going to finish it up today. It means I'm also making my journals easier to edit in case I need to do this again. So, simpler code for prettifying.


I found this while picking a new background image for Zeus. And am sharing.

So, who's the kid crashing the Zeus, Odin, Re party here? lol

And what are they all laughing at?

Insert caption here?

Best caption can maybe win something of the winners choosing: coding, graphics, special thread...

~ Dawn

[ viewing | July 1st, 2014 ]
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