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Ahem [30 Apr 2014|07:32pm]
Alright, first things first... anyone who is not Kate, needs to go here --read it, think, plot and comment. And I only say not Kate because she and I are already plotting and I have been churning out replies like crazy the last few days. I welcome plot with her too, but I want to give the rest of you a chance too. PLOT WITH ME!

Then, I have an idea for any of Styx's family that might be interested in messing with her OCD just a bit in DDC. You know those strange restaurants where you just kind of... litter on purpose. Someone please request that she go to one of those. Please. And make it for an "important" reason so she can't bail. And she can't clean it. Think of it like immersion therapy. :P

And then, just in honor of Dionysos' current thread with Zeus, in case he would ever ask her what her role would be in medieval history... like at a Ren Faire...

Hee! Best random gif-hunt find ever.

[ viewing | April 30th, 2014 ]
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