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Uh, Thor? [17 Oct 2013|10:42am]
Okay. I let you hug my girl. I cringed inside, but I let it slide. Even when you almost made her cry. That's my shoulder she should be doing that on. But I figure, hey, it's not like we had a lot of time to get real personal up till now, so I let it go.

But. BUT.

Dudley-Do-Right? Fuddy Duddy? Just because I know a little self-control? Because I'm just about the only one in Asgard who still knows Dad's Noble Virtues and actually tries to follow them? Because I won't go off half-cocked and let some giant smash my head in when I know I'm in over my head and still am determined to fight? Because I don't ramble off at the mouth just to hear myself talk?

I don't think so, Brother. And remember, even if that was all true, you may be strongest, but I'm still considered the bravest.

Dudley-Do-Right. *mumble, mumble, mumble* Mead. *mumble mumble* Go find Vidar...

(anyone else notice he didn't even swear through all of this?)

[ viewing | October 17th, 2013 ]
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