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OH!!! HI!!! [03 Oct 2013|12:05pm]
Tereesa here, bringing you Idun of the Norse, goddess of Youth, Springtime, and Rejuvenation. She is half-Elf and half-Dwarf, and married to Bragi. She's the one that holds and distributes the golden apples to keep the dwellers of Asgard (and the members of the pantheon NOT in Asgard) young and strong.

She does have an orchard, but not for the golden apples. There was one tree, with one harvest, and Idun has all the apples. She keeps them in a magical box that is always contains the same number of apples, no matter how many she takes out. It's just the coooooolest thing!!

Idun is perky, outgoing, and easily excitable. Most of the time. If she gets really upset-- well, do you remember what you were like as a teenager? She can definitely cop an attitude, but a few minutes later you probably wouldn't know it if you hadn't witnessed it yourself.

Idun loves pretty much everybody, even those who have wronged her in the past. She doesn't really hold grudges, and she just likes being happy and having fun.

The rest of her info is in her journal, so go have a look.

So, who wants to play?

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