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Open Thread List for 9/17/13 [17 Sep 2013|02:13pm]
Apologies for taking so long to update this. First there was Dragon*Con, wherein we took half of the game's players to go play in Atlanta. And then I had a family emergency. So thank you for your patience while I got my crap together.

So. If you had any threads with Persephone, Phobetor, Hybris or Bia... those are now moot as Jan has left our game. We made sad faces, a lot, but we hope she may return to us at a future date.

For the time being, there ARE two new characters... or actually two RETURNING characters... that will be joining us shortly. Stay tuned for updates.

Open Threads )

And finally, if there is a thread on there that hasn't had a reply since the beginning of July, or in some cases earlier, then you should maybe take the opportunity to get your tushie in gear and do some writing. Or we may have to poke you with a sharp stick. That is all.

[ viewing | September 17th, 2013 ]
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