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Plotz? Anyone... Anyone... Bueller.... Bueller??? [06 Aug 2013|02:27pm]
So, I'm going through threads right now of mine. I could use some DDC specifically for the below:
  • Enyo hasn't done anything new in DDC since... March.
  • Loki needs something... the Trickster Party seems to have halted :(
  • Styx doesn't have anything in DDC right now at all.

In HDC I have room for stuff for:
  • Frigg
  • Harmonia - I prefer something happier for her in HDC if possible
  • Hedylogos
  • Loki - has one thing going now, but could always use more
  • Thoth
  • Zeus

Anyone want anything? Let me know. I want to pllllaaaayyyyyy.

Come on. Who does Enyo have to whip to get some action? Uh... not that kind of action.

~ Dawn
Enyo, Frigg, Harmonia, Hedylogos, Loki, Styx, Thoth and Zeus

[ viewing | August 6th, 2013 ]
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