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Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day? [18 Jun 2013|09:23pm]
Hi. It's Dawn. This is Hedylogos.

Look at the pretty. He is pretty, isn't he?

It helps that his parents are pretty (see: Aphrodite and Hermes). And really, an erote that is not pretty is a crime against nature.

So, in case you don't know who he is, he's an erote (winged love god) and is flattery. In fact, his name in Greek actually means Sweet Talk. Hedy - sweet or pleasing; Logos - language, speech. So, he's a flatterer. It's what he does.

Plus oh so pretty.

Most of you probably know him from when he was last in game. He has been reworked a bit since I last played him years ago, so I invite everyone to check out his profile in his journal and give me all the plots. All of them. I'm game for everything. Also, who wants him first?

Did I mention that he's pretty?

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