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Here comes the Sun... [17 Apr 2013|01:55pm]
Hi everybody!

Tereesa here, and this is Re, the Egyptian elder, Father of the Gods, and the Sun. He created everything in his world, including himself, from the darkness of chaos. He's really, really old now, and has mostly retired from a position of power. He's happy to advise when asked, but otherwise he pretty much stays out of the affairs of mortals and politics.

He is still the sun, though, and each night as he enters the underworld he has to battle the forces of evil to survive to shine upon another day. One hour each night, his corpus actually enters a near comatose state so he can direct all of his focus toward his battle with his greatest adversary, the serpent Apep.

He tends to be a bit eccentric and absent-minded at times. Did I mention he's really, really old? It's left its mark. He also apparently thinks Helios sucks. Though it's possible that is more directed at the fact that his city, where his cult and worship were the greatest, and where he began his world, was renamed after that particular god. Easier to blame the god that he thinks is a poor example of what a solar deity should be than the long-dead Greeks that made that decision.

There's lots more, of course, and all of it is in his journal.

If any of your characters are interested in interacting with him, just let me know!

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