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PLOT CHAT! [04 Mar 2013|11:25pm]
For the benefit of our new players...

We have a standing plot chat on the first Friday of the month. (Yes, I know that was technically last Friday, but I forgot, shush.) This gives us an opportunity to not only make actual plot for our critters, but to chat with our fellow players so that we're more comfortable approaching one another for other game purposes as well. Plus, it's fun.

Plot chat is on Friday, March 8th, 10:30 EST, which makes it 9:30 CST, 8:30 MST, and 7:30 PST. Be online about 10-15 minutes before the start of chat so we can make sure we can get you into the chatroom. And please make sure it's a version of AIM that is compatible with a group chat.

This is the time that has worked well for all of us in the past, not TOO late for the east coasters and not TOO early for the west coasters. However with three new people in our midst, if this time, or day, does not work for you, please let us know and we'll discuss whether or not we should move it. Otherwise, we will see you on Friday!

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