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Hey! [01 Mar 2013|06:21am]
Nothing major, but since I don't have all of you on my personal IJ yet, I figured I'd post here: I'm going out of town right after work tonight. So my usual post-work replies won't happen until I get to my destination and even then it's dodgy -my parents act like I should actually pay attention to them or something when I get there, sheesh. :P

So, I'm going to try to work on stuff during breaks today, but if I don't get to it today or at random intermittent moments tomorrow, I'll do the rest as soon as I get home on Sunday. This should my last trip for awhile as hopefully we can fix this stupid dipstick thing Saturday.

~ Dawn
Enyo, Frigg, Harmonia, Loki, Styx, Thoth and Zeus

Open Thread List Updated! [01 Mar 2013|09:07pm]
Take a gander, check on your threads, make sure we got it all right. Have a looksee HERE.

[ viewing | March 1st, 2013 ]
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