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Adorable! [27 Feb 2013|02:53pm]
Bast's story is PRICELESS!!

Laughing so hard!

The Winds Blow...And Chaos Arrives [27 Feb 2013|10:33pm]
Greeting Deities...and those mortals who are allowed to grace our presence....*mmmmph....MMMMPHHHHH*

Sorry...hi everyone, this is Beth. That *points to the now gagged gentleman that looks like Nick Fury/Mace Windu/Samuel L. Jackson* Set. He is the Egyptian god of chaos, deserts, infertility, foreign lands, and war. Please feel free to read all of his posts with the Samuel L. Jackson voice in your head. The deities only knows, he's very loud and obnoxious in my head. Occasionally I do have to gag him...otherwise I'd never sleep and all of the other muses in my head would run away.

Set is...well...trouble. He is the brother to Osiris, Nephthys, Isis and Horus the Elder. He is best known for protecting Ra as he journeys through the Duat at night and shredding the daylights out of Horus...or getting shredded himself. It's an epic battle they keep trying to keep going.

He is jealous of Osiris, wants to rule the world and is determined to find a way to own all the oil in the world. This has become his goal in life. This is what he's been doing since the end of mythological times and I'm not sure how many of his siblings and Egyptian "friends" really want to talk to him.

*gets loose* I'd like to think Bes would talk to me...and maybe Thoth...and maybe that crazy sis...mmmmmph*'s Beth again...slippery sucker that god is...sheesh...anyway if anyone wants to play, plot, enjoys chaos or at least a good Cuban cigar and glass of Scotch...Set is your man. You can reach AIM at bethacarpenter or on Google Talk as bethannecarpenter. I'm always up for a good plot/story/diaster/evil planning so hit me up...and I'll let him loose.


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