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New Player Alert! New Character! Prometheus! [19 Feb 2013|08:45pm]
HI! I'm Diana, I'm new. You can thank Mannanan's player Cassie for telling me about this game. I present to all of you Prometheus, Titan of Forethought, Crafty Council, Knowledge, Human Civilization, and the Fire Thief.

Prometheus is the guy that the Greeks said made humans, then he's the guy the Greeks say tricked Zeus into thinking that bones wrapped in fat was an awesome thing to offer to the gods, much better than the meat and delicious organs. And he's the guy who, when Zeus said "No more fire or knowledge of civilization for you human peoples" then snuck into the throne room on Olympus, stole the torch of knowledge, and returned it to humanity. And for doing all of that, Prometheus was the guy who was chained to a mountain for 13 generations while an eagle ate his liver daily. Eventually, Herekles set him free, but pretty much NOTHING is said of Prometheus after this. The one play that talks about this has been lost. So, I've taken a little dramatic liberty and for the last several thousand years, Prometheus has been in this state of being Banished and stripped of powers, still immortal, but unable to enter any Godly Realm. Zeus forbade any temples or cult worshiping Prometheus (This we do know from history, Prometheus only had one small shrine inside one of Athena's temples) and this has kept him very weak. He probably pissed his few allies he had left back in the olden-days off by going around telling humans not to bother worshiping gods.

Basically, he's an atheist. Who is a god. And not just a quiet, unassuming atheist. An annoying one. But he's getting over that!

Becaaaause, ever since the 20th century and the building of a proper Temple to him (Well, Rockefeller center, which Prometheus would consider an ice skating rink and business office and TV studio proper tribute to the guy who taught humans to be civilized) he's been getting stronger and stronger and the banishment has been breaking. So now he wants to go back to Olympus cause he misses what's left of his family (hasn't been able to go visit his bro Atlas under the mountains in 3000 years) and his old friends. And, well, he's getting bored with being a mortal. One can only re-invent a human identity for oneself so many times before it gets tedious.

So! That's my boy! Throw lines at me? I like lines! EDIT: Helps if I tell you how to contact me. AIM: DianaRoleplays or TheFireBringerUnbound

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