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[06 Feb 2013|08:34am]
Hi, all! I am Cassie, and I am a brand spanking newbie to Deities, but I am very glad to be here! I've been looking for a game like this for a long time, so I'm glad I happened to stumble upon it! Everything looks very exciting (and I might have read like, everything in the game thus far, too...)

Anyway, onto the real reason I'm posting: I bring you Manannan mac Lir, Celtic god of Storms and the Seas, resident Trickster of the Celtic people, and either friend or foe to many mortals, all depending on how arrogant you are. He also gets around. A lot. He is married to the goddess Fand, who is not in game, but I imagine that would be fun, has several lovers, but most notably: is an Elder God of the Celts. He's older than the Tuatha De Danaan, but they come to him for advice and in decision-making. Well, they would if he was around. You can check out his profile for the whole history here but the TL;DR version is that he was happily the caretaker of the Otherworld/Land of Youth (as several of the lands are ones he personally oversees) until about the last half of the 20th century, when he started making trips back to the mortal plane.

Flash forward to now, and he's been AWOL from the Otherworld for probably the last decade or so, which I imagine does not sit well with his fellow gods. I really want someone to drag him out of his walkabout and pull him back into the godly politics, and of course, connect with his fellow Celtic deities (Rosmerta, I'm looking at you).

So, that's it! Again, I'm Cassie, and if you wanna get a hold of me, I am on AIM: RobinzGirlWonder almost all day long every day, and would love to chat/plot with anyone and everyone!

Thanks for having me aboard!


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