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[26 Jan 2013|12:37pm]
Oh hi! I am Nae. This is my sunshineeeeee, my only sunshine. Remember how Bragi wrecked all of my ratios? Well Freyr did it even WORSE. D: The fates just will not bless me with another girl critter for this game. I think Eris poisoned them. Anyway, Freyr is very proud of his ratio wrecking accomplishment. Even though it upsets him that he is my fourth critter instead of my first one. Sorry bb!

ANYWAY, SO THIS IS FREYR. God of light, sunshine, summer rain, fertility, and prosperity. You know how Spock says 'live long and prosper'? Freyr makes that happen. He says the word "awesome" a lot, and is pretty positive he's cooler than Superman because Superman's teeth aren't nearly as white as his and Superman is a bad dancer. You know how some people think the sun rises and sets with them, well for Freyr it's different. The sun literally really does! It does guys. Srsly.

He's the sort of guy who had a sword that fought his battles for him, and when he wanted to marry a girl he sent his servant to court her for him. Slacker. His sacred animal is the pig. I'm not even going to touch that one. He likes parties, games, and halo and can sleep with the lights on. He's pretty sure spray on cheese is one of the best inventions of the new millenium and thinks instant pudding isn't instant enough. He wishes someone would invent an instant flan. He's pretty chill. Just don't bring him down or insult his twin sister. :|

Oh and in the Peanuts universe, given that Hades=Schroeder and Eris=PigPen and Bragi=Linus, this would make Freyr=Frieda. And in Mariokart terms, if you don't speak Peanuts, Freyr=Yoshi. Just in case anyone was wondering. More stuff can be found at his journal if all this did not scare you away.

He would love some plots from you lovely people if you are willing! GIVE HIM ALL THE THINGS. <333

So long, farewell.... [26 Jan 2013|08:22pm]
No not me, just part of me :)

With Pothos and Iris gone, it just wouldn't make any sense to keep Zephyrus wandering around without his family so I will be sending him off to the West with his beautiful rainbow and their son. I've been playing him for so long and he was so fun for me so I'm torn about this but I know it will be for the best.

Zephyrus is part a reincarnation and in that he's been with me for a long long time. But things change and I am going to take that for the good.

So farewell to the Pretty West Wind :)


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