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Sorry [08 Jan 2013|05:11pm]
EDIT TO BELOW: Well that went from "I-don't-feel-so-hot" to "OMG-ALL-MY-INSIDES-ARE-TRYING-TO-COME-OUT-OF-ME" at light speed. I'm still working on being able to sit up for more than a couple hours at a time, but I'm on the other side of the worst of it, thankfully. I will be getting back to replying in the next day or two, when I can get past walking from the bathroom back to the bed without needing to rest when I get there.

On that note, I just wanted to say, the norovirus (and other gastroenteritis strains) and true influenza (and it's many mutations) seem to be really hitting hard right now. I had the norovirus and it was NASTY. Influenza (the real stuff, the respiratory stuff, not the "stomach flu" that most people think is the flu)is even worse. I've had it in the past, and that put me in the hospital for dehydration. So take care of yourselves, folks, and wash your hands/sanitize because besides a flu shot, that's the best defense. If you get either of them, keep up your fluids and get rest. I hope you're all well, and that you stay that way.

I want to be all revved up and get my replies and new threads up, but I'm definitely coming down with something. I'm working on it, folks, it's just going a lot slower than I'd like. Once I get the fever down, I think it'll be a bit easier to concentrate.

Thanks for your patience.

[ viewing | January 8th, 2013 ]
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