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Itty bitty hiatus [01 Oct 2012|10:19pm]
As I mentioned in chat, and previously here, I will be away to an out of state wedding coming up this weekend. So, I'll be away from the game from about Wednesday night til about Sunday night. I'm going to be taking my netbook, and supposedly the hotel has wifi, but I'll be on the road for most of that trip, plus there's the rehearsal dinner and the wedding itself.

Never fear, however. Cary will still be around. And she will DEFINITELY have wifi, since she's coming to house/cat-sit for me. Bug her if you have questions!

And as the mixer will be starting Friday, if you've got queries about that, refer them to Jan, she can answer whatever you want to know. Also, I apologize in advance to whoever gets paired up with my critters, because there will be a delay in my participation because of this trip. I'll answer it as soon as I'm able, I promise.

I'm going to try to get to my replies owed before I go off the air, but no promises. Bear with me and thank you for your patience.

Kate – Philotes, Kratos, Bast, Hera. Sigyn, Rosmerta, Hypnos, & a partridge in a pear tree

[ viewing | October 1st, 2012 ]
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