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OH NOES [26 Sep 2012|12:52pm]
Okay, folks. I just realized, I'm going to be gone during our usual pre-planned plot chat the first Friday of the month. I have to go to a stupid wedding and I'll be gone the whole weekend. Normally, I'd say, pft, we'll just move it to the SECOND Friday. EXCEPT...

We are starting Ninkasi's big mixer on that Friday and plot chat would be a great place for people to ask any questions about things that might be confusing or clarify what's going to happen, etc.

So... the question now is: Do you want to try to squeeze in an emergency plot chat THIS Friday, which is only two days away, or do you want to try for another day of the week? I will only be available until next Tuesday (maybe Wednesday, but I can't promise for sure.) What do you guys think???

[ viewing | September 26th, 2012 ]
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