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Oh snap! #4 [02 Aug 2012|11:53am]
Hey guys! This is Ali! Yes! Ali! With a male character! A NORSE. This is Forseti, Norse God of Justice. Son of Baldr and Nanna! Odin and Frigg are his grandparents. Since his parents both died (long story but uncle killed dad. dad dead. Mom mourns.. by throwing herself onto his funeral pyre.. boat... ORPHAN. Sort of) he's been kind of leaning on the rest of his family and trying to sort out his own thoughts! He's pretty hard to rile up, and he's a talker not a fighter. Be gentle friends! I haven't played a guy in awhile.. I will probably be correcting he/she/her/his a lot! Lol

Things to know about Forseti:
He prefers to listen to everything before he says anything. Ie: if there's one person complaining about another he'll hear the other person out before forming an opinion. This includes his family. No matter what. :D
He prefers quiet contemplation over telling people what's bothering him. Mostly because he spent a heck of a lot of time feeling like his world was going to end when his parents died.
Forseti enjoys running a lot so if your God/Goddess wants a running buddy call him up!
He's a forgive and forget sort of guy unless the person gets away with too much. If the person wrongs him, fine. Wrongs everyone and gets off with nada.. not so fine. Expect bitter expression.

Soooo who wants to play with him? Establish some history?

Drool all over his icons (*ahem Nae ahem*). :D :D

[ viewing | August 2nd, 2012 ]
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