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Hello and sorry and Groveling [09 Jul 2012|06:41pm]
*using hot god for groveling*

So. Clearly it's not a surprise that I've been absent person lately. In hindsight I should have gone on hiatus and for that I am sorry to the mods and the rest of the players, especially those I've been working on threads with and just left hanging. It was never the intention.

Work has been horribly busy for over a month and the only good thing is that relief in that is planned by August 1st. And then I went on vacation which was amazing and great, and I thought I would get caught up then but there was a heatwave and severe storm warnings and the area was OH so great for being online *sigh* So yeah, still not caught up.

As far as I know, I have four threads left:
Nike/Hades (Hades reply though I think??)

If I've missed anything, please let me know. I do want to catch up on these and get them continued and completed so more plots can happen.

And AND welcome new people. And new characters!!

So again I am sorry for not being the best player this past bit but I hope things will get better.


This needs a caption... [09 Jul 2012|07:58pm]

And go...

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