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Thousands of Apologies [26 May 2012|10:11am]
I admit, I'm behind on replies.

This past week was supposed to be recital. But our studio director has been in and out of the hospital, so that got postponed to this coming week. Next weekend I have to be at the studio most of the day on Saturday and Sunday for Dance Team auditions. Then Sunday evening I may or may not be auditioning myself to be part of group of performers for a show in town.

Then the following Saturday I have auditions for my belly dance troupe. The Following Saturday I leave for Pagan Spirit Gathering. Since I'll be out of town for PSG from the 16th of June through the 25th, I'm going to avoid starting any new threads unless you don't mind hanging while I'm gone.

I will be doing replies this weekend. I'm hoping for today (Saturday), but after the hellacious week I had at work, I don't really want to look at a TV or computer monitor for longer than I have to. I'm going to clean the house and maybe get inspiration to write in between, but even as I type this, my eyes are crossing.

But, I will get replies done.

~ Dawn
Enyo, Frigg, Harmonia, Iris, Loki, Thoth, Zeus

Edit: Is there anyone anyone wants started before I leave for vacation? Mila, if you don't mind Enyo/Perses hanging for a week while I'm gone, I can try to start that this weekend. Just let me know. Otherwise when I get back.

[ viewing | May 26th, 2012 ]
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