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A Bit of Fluff [01 May 2012|06:58am]
So, I had this thought last week sometime, pitched it to Kate (since Zeus would totally bring his main lady with him), and she said, "why not open it up in DDC to others?" And I thought that was a fabulous idea.

Here's the deal:

The Kentucky Derby is Saturday. Zeus breeds Thoroughbreds at a stable in Versailles, Kentucky. We're going to pretend, without naming one of the runners, that one of the horses in the stakes is his. He's rather fond of the horse racing circuit. So, Zeus will be there.

I'm going to put a post up early Saturday morning (before I leave town for the weekend, don't worry, I'll have net access at night on Saturday and then Sunday afternoon when I get home). I'll tag Hera first, then anyone that wants to have their kids at the Derby (and interact with Zeus and Hera) is more than welcome to pop in.

This can run concurrent to any other threads you may have. It's just a day at Churchill Downs for some deities. We can let this thread run for however long it needs to go. We'll plan on it being the schmoozing prior to the race with the thread ending with race start.

I think this will be fun. Goddesses, get out your dresses and your heels and your big, lavish Derby hats (google image search Derby Hats for inspiration) and have fun. Gods, well... try not to upstage the ladies. lol

Um... anything I'm missing, Kate?

Questions, anyone?

Enyo, Frigg, Harmonia, Iris, Loki, Thoth and Zeus

PLOT CHAT! [01 May 2012|11:33am]
Cary and I were talking about this and that, and we think that the first Friday of the month is a good day to have as a standing Plot Chat Day. What do you guys think of that? Would that work for you in general, or is it going to take some major rearranging? Please let us know.

But in the mean time, we figured it's time for a little bit of a get together this week anyway. Yes, we know, some of you (us) still have plot up the wazoo, but some people need some, and really, we think Plot Chats are about more than just plotting. There's Vagina Dentata too. Hell, we just like talking to you people; you're nuts, and we love that about you.

So, it's going to be Friday, May 4th, 10:30 EST, which makes it 9:30 CST, 8:30 MST, and 7:30 PST. Be online about 10-15 minutes before the start of chat so we can make sure we can get you into the chatroom. And please make sure it's a version of AIM that is compatible with a group chat. (Godsdammit, Kat, I need to WRITE DOWN that SN that actually works, because I forgot it again. Smack me Friday and remind me to do that.)

Oh and hey? In case you missed it, Dawn came up with this fun idea that will be launching Saturday morning. It's a stand-alone thread, but a really great way for your critter to get in there and interact with other characters they might not normally get a chance to play with. Do it! It's fun! You can dress them up! There's horses! And gambling! DO IT! prettyplease.

[ viewing | May 1st, 2012 ]
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