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just fyi [10 Apr 2012|12:03am]
My uncle passed away today. I intend to keep writing to distract myself but if I disappear for a bit or am slow I am sorry. I'm just trying to deal and trying to figure out what to do. Just wanted to let you guys know whats up. I know RL is important but I think writing helps. Thank you for being there for me. I love you guys.

#iregretnothing [10 Apr 2012|12:11am]
Heya! This is Jan bringing back PERSEPHONE, because I am weak and Nae and Ali are made of a ridiculous amount of win. I've changed her history a fair bit again. You can read most of it here. I'd like to keep a few of the lines I had the last time around if you'll have me. If not, we can make new ones! Huzzah! She now spends 8 months above and 4 months below. So I believe she's above around now. She's okay with it, but not as ecstatic about it as she used to be. Open to all plots.


[10 Apr 2012|01:39pm]
Hey! This is Kel (again) with a new critter on the block! He's a Celt by the name of Cernunnos (didn't I warn you?) and he's kind of a hippie. He is the god of fertility, woodlands, wealth, and reincarnation. He's also the Lord of Animals, and he's got a few other hobbies, too, so you could say he's got his fingers in a lot of patronage pies. But he concentrates on the Lord of Animals title, and the protection of the natural world. He's a pretty good guy, all things considered,, and he's been around since... pretty much forever. He pre-dates the Druids, and got inherited into their pantheon, so he kinda knows who's who and what's what. But most of the time he's off playing park ranger in Cades Cove, which is part of the Great Smokey Mountains National Park in Tennessee, although he can be wherever you need him to be.

Hey all [10 Apr 2012|04:10pm]
I haven't been around for a while, and I apologize. But I finally got stuff with my office sorted and made my decisions on what to do here with the reboot.

I decided to keep Anansi, Perses and Oizys.

With Anansi and Perses, I'm open to what gets kept and what gets left behind. Please let me know if there's anything specific you would like to keep or abandon with them.

Oi, however, I would very much like to try to keep as much as I can with her. So if there's anything you specifically want to not have, history, interactions or whatever, PLEASE let me know, because otherwise I am going to assume that her history is mostly in tact.

Currently, I have plot for none of them, so I'm completely open to any ideas.

Also, Hello to the new players!


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