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A Modly Post about Modly Things [15 Mar 2012|06:21pm]
First and most importantly:

OMG WE FREAKIN' LOVE YOU GUYS! We will admit now, we were a bit trepidatious about the reset and how it would roll, but you guys have just ROCKED with it. We hope you're having as much fun with the new threads and the new directions we're taking your critters as we are. Thank you so much for your enthusiasm and creativity, it's BEYOND awesome to play with all of you.

As part of the reset, and because of a few other outside things, we've restructured the tags and memories for the boards. You may not have noticed, so we're going to point it out here... You're no longer going to see tags on the posts that look like this: hebe, enyo, hera. From now on, they'll look like this: ~hebe, ~enyo, ~hera. If you look in the memories for threads for your critter, you'll find that we've added the tilde in front of the character names for the new threads too. We did this so that those that wish to go back and look for things from our past play can do so, and so that there is a differentiation between the two to keep things sort of straight for us mods too. Since mods are the only ones that can add tags to the tag list, at the moment if you tag your own posts, you may not find your new listing. Be patient, we will get you all added in there as we progress, we promise.

And finally... the Friends Add button is being a wanker. It looks like it's going to work, it acts like it's going to work, then while you're waiting for it to work... it stops working. Because we've had several additions, and deletions, from our game, this is somewhat irksome. But we've tried threatening the button, we've tried bribing, we've even tried tempting it with the promise of a date with the Spell Check button, and it's still being a pain in the tush. So for the moment, for those that wish to be up to date on friends and non-friends, the following is a list of player journals currently in the game. You may already have all of them on your friends lists. You may have more than these characters in your friends lists. You may add or delete whomever you wish at your own discretion, but it's generally easier for us all to play together if we're all friended.

Current Character Journals )

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