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OOC ICONZ! [09 Mar 2012|10:44pm]
So, it all started with a Loki and dolls icon, here, see icon. Then I know Cary did a Hermod icon. Then Tereesa did Hel. and... I got inspired. So while rereading the entire series of Brat-Halla comics, I started saving certain panels to make icons of later. I share them with you now behind the cut.

I didn't get everyone's characters because I was limited to what gods they actually used in the comic and some of the artwork just wouldn't work in an icon. This is why Hera has none, sorry Kate. But, feel free to take any or all if you like to use for whatever. Tereesa, I didn't bother with Hel because your animation took the best Hel panels from the comic. lol. Oh, and I apologize for the shoddy text on some of the animations, I mainly did these late at night and I'm not very competent in editing software to begin with.

Oh and sometimes Photobucket sucks and won't let the image links work. Let me know if one craps out.

So, without further ado, Brat-Halla icons for lulz )

[ viewing | March 9th, 2012 ]
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