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PLOT CHAT [28 Feb 2012|09:11pm]
OHMIGODS! How long has it been since we did one of THESE? The other chats were informational chats, this will be for plot! PLOT!!!! EEEEEE!!!

Okay, now that the end of the ball has been posted, and since some people are a little excited about the reboot, we're thinking that we'll tentatively hit the reset button next Monday. Does that work for everybody? Will that give you all time to wrap up your masqueradiness? We think so, but if we're wrong, speak now or forever hold your peace.

And in the highly likely event that we're going to reset at the beginning of next week, it seems reasonable that we do a PLOT CHAT! Yes, we know a lot of you already have plot set up (we do too), but there are a few loose and dangling critters out there waiting to be snatched up, and with some of us, we have SO MUCH PLOT waiting for us, we need to sort out what is happening FIRST!

Since it's worked so well the past few times, we're going to have chat on Friday, March 2nd, 10:30 EST, which makes it 9:30 CST, 8:30 MST, and 7:30 PST. Be online about 10-15 minutes before the start of chat so we can make sure we can get you into the chatroom. Unless you're Jan... then we need you online about an hour and a half before the start of chat so that we can work our way through all of your different AIM SNs until we find one that doesn't barf when we send you a chat request. ;-)


[ viewing | February 28th, 2012 ]
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