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Life=crazy [09 Jun 2011|07:34am]
Hi all,

I just wanted to let you know that I may be even slower than usual on my replies. My daughter has some health issues, which it looks like we may be getting to the bottom of, but its been sending us on a spree of appointments recently. No massive worries here, as it is turning out to likely be her gallbladder, but depending on the results we get, will probably mean even more doctor runs, and possibly surgery.

On top of that, PSG is a week and a half away, and I am no where near ready, and then I'll be gone 8 days for that, plus a couple days decompression time.

So what I'm asking is that everyone be patient with me until all this settles down. If there are any threads you feel are really critical, let me know and I'll make them my priority when I have time to sit and write. Otherwise, please know I've not forgotten and am not ignoring you!

Tereesa- Ahti, Bes, Freyja, Hel, Isis, Odin, Sif

#$%$^% [09 Jun 2011|09:03am]
my laptop/home computer has decided to stop working, pretty much overnight.

i'm taking it to best buy so someone can mojo it back to health, but i'm not sure they won't keep it a day or two, as i know how fast they fix things is entirely dependent on how many things they have to fix. i'd give it to our IT guy at work, but they really frown on that.


i'll do what tags i can during work breaks, and i'll let you know when i have the laptop back to full health.

[ viewing | June 9th, 2011 ]
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