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Owie [21 Dec 2010|06:05pm]
Hey guys,

I want to do replies, I really do. But, I hurt my neck somehow. This isn't an 'I slept on it funny' sort of injury either. This is a fragmented cervical disc type of injury. Where one of the fragments, according to the MRI, is pressing on a nerve that controls my right arm.

My arm hurts, a lot. My fingers are tingly and sometimes numb and I can't type or grab things real well.

This is the level of hurt where my doc says if it gets much worse to go to the ER. I'm hoping it does't come to that. I see a neuro-surgeon on the 30th to discuss the injury more and treatment options.

What this means for RP...

It means I'll be slow at replies. I'll probably take a vicodin and pass out soon, but I'll try to get anything I owe done asap.

~ Dawn
Enyo, Frigg, Harmonia, Iris, Loki, Neikea, Skadhi

[ viewing | December 21st, 2010 ]
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