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Running Away [22 Nov 2010|11:16am]
*hangs head* I've been a bad mod. Bad, bad, bad. And I know it.

I've been busy lately trying to get something in place, and just when I thought all that work and time away from playing wouldn't pan out, things shifted and now it will. Not for the reasons I'd hoped, but I'm just going to keep my eye on the silver lining rather than the storm clouds right now.

What this means is... I'm going to be going away over this holiday week instead of catching up on replies like I know I should be. But I'm going to get to see my family for the first time in three years, so I don't feel as bad about that as I should. :)

When I return, things should be calmer. I hope. And I should be able to get back to normal. I hope.

I hope everybody has a safe and happy holiday with lots of yummies and good times with family. And I'll see you guys again on Friday!

[ viewing | November 22nd, 2010 ]
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