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Hello, hello, hello... is there anybody in there? [19 Nov 2010|07:55am]
Just nod if you can hear me?

Is there anyone home?

Ahem. So, guys. I know Thanksgiving is next week, and people will be traveling, and I'll have a nice four day weekend out of it, but I'd like some plot ideas. I threw some ideas out at a few of you and haven't heard anything back, so...

Enyo need something. Preferably in DDC, but I'll take HDC too.

Frigg needs DDC badly. Her last DDC entry was with Anteros back in July. She's been only HDC since then.

As far as the Neikea go, two of the three are tied up. So Eristikos is available for DDC, if anyone wants a broody Quarrel to play with. He can be kind of a nice guy, if a bit aloof.

The rest, well, I'm always open to HDC ideas. Always. And I can run tons of them concurrently.

Enyo, Frigg, Harmonia, Iris, Loki, Neikea, Skadhi

Sorry! [19 Nov 2010|05:39pm]
Didn't mean to drop off the face of the earth for almost a week. I got the Snot Plague. All's better now, though. So back to it for me!

[ viewing | November 19th, 2010 ]
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