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HI [15 Nov 2010|07:12pm]
Hello DDCers, it's been a long time! My name is Meg and I am picking up Ares here again. :D I played him here almost two years ago before I fell off the face of the earth. I'm looking forward to writing with him again.

I've read some of what has been written for him by others, but not everything. I will try to do my best to incorporate whatever he might have had going on with your character, if it's that important. He tends to be (and pardon my french) a bastard. Or at the very least someone who loves blood more than bonding time. He's not all bad, but there are reasons why his relationships don't always go so well...


I'm going to have him just arriving back on Mt. Olympus from time away wandering. So he's open for interactions.


[ viewing | November 15th, 2010 ]
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