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[09 Nov 2010|02:36pm]
sigh. I think it's very clear that Apollo has gone to radio silent. Maybe it's because I have to much going on with my own stupid life and my mom's health, being a god of healing is just a reminder that hi, I'm not.

I know I'm leaving some of you hanging and I don't like that one bit. However, having "reply as Apollo" on my to do list hanging over my head is just too much.

I love playing here - you are all smart, witty, funny and all around great people. However, I think it's time I let the shiny one go. Maybe in the future when my life is more clear, I'll pop back and see if you have an Apollo and if not, maybe I'll see if I can bring him back.

Keep rocking this great game and I might drop by from time to time to see all the fun trouble you can brew up.

peace to you all.


[09 Nov 2010|10:21pm]

well it has been far longer than I had planned but I am back.

Quick dad update - he is doing so much better and we found out that he had been originally diagnosed at first and while it didn't cause the problem, it contributed to it. Well they've fixed that and got him on a good remedy and he is doing so much better, even before he ended up in the hospital. So it is very very good.

Then of course because it is me, I got so sick because well it's what I do. Walking pneumonia is no good and I was just in no place to do much of anything and was only working part-time until I could actually focus and work. Which brings us to now. And working nearly 60 hr weeks because two people are gone at work and apparently I'm the only one who can back them up. FUN. Luckily they will be back by next week.

So, Tis time to get back into these kids and playing. I have missed you all and missed here and yes. I'm working to get caught up but more importantly get the kids back into game. I have something already going for Eros (thanks Dawn) but need to get Peitho, Nike and Zephyrus up and going.

Nike and Dei - we did have that thread going if you wanted to pick it up and continue?
Otherwise PLOTTAGE!!


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