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Re-introduction [12 Sep 2010|05:51am]
Hello DDC friends!

It's Tereesa, bringing back 2 of my characters from the past. After over a year away from any RP, I discovered I really miss writing, and all of you, so here I am! So without much ado, here is the first of my returns.

This is Isis, Queen of Egypt. At least to her mind she is still Queen. Titles don't mean much when it comes to her son, Horus, and her brother, Set. She is the one that keeps it all together; her country, relations with other pantheons, and her family. Osiris may have been the backbone when he was alive, but she is the strength and heart in his stead as Mother of the Gods. I am leaving all her previous history as it was, since no one picked her up while I was gone.

All her information can be found in profile and her journal, along with links to her previous threads. I am looking forward to playing with all my old friends, and meeting the newer folks who came along after I left.

So here we go. Ready, set, plot! HEE!

Hello again! [12 Sep 2010|06:40am]
Tereesa again, with the return of my second character, Freyja, Norse goddess of Love and Beauty, as well as War through her role as Mistress of the Valkyries.

Often the drama queen of the Norse, Freyja is not truly one of them. She is Vanir by birth, which makes her an odd duck in their frozen pond. Her ideals can be far different from the rest of the women of their realm, and this often leads to trouble. She refuses to be stuck in someone else's mold, unless it suits her own purposes.

Freyja left game in the midst of some serious drama, the blame of which lies solely at her own feet, so there is likely to be hell to pay on her return. (Squee!) Her information is all in her journal. As she has not been played since my departure, I am keeping her in-game history intact. If anyone has any history they'd like to add, let me know. She does tend to get around, so I am open to any possible previous relationships. to bring her back! Come play!

[ viewing | September 12th, 2010 ]
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