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Ow ow ow [10 Sep 2010|04:26pm]
So. Just an FYI, in case you don't follow me on Facebook or Twitter, I've hurt my neck and shoulder pretty bad. To the point where I can barely move my right arm. Typing hurts, moving hurts and sleeping hurts. It sucks.

So, I'm on some heavy meds that pretty much knock me out once I take them. I'm not going on a hiatus or anything, but I wan to let everyone know I'm gonna be a bit slow at replies.

If I don't get to Loki or Harm in the group thread tonight, feel free to skip me this round.

Enyo, Frigg, Harmonia, Iris, Loki, Neikea, Skadhi

[ viewing | September 10th, 2010 ]
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