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Running Away From Home [29 Aug 2010|12:56pm]
Some of you may have noticed a decided decline in the rapidity of my replies as of late. Well that's because it's that time of year again! Dragon*Con! And because it's that time of year again, here's the breakdown... I'll be leaving Tuesday night/Wednesday morning on my way down, and I won't be back until the following Wednesday at the earliest, September 8th. I apologize for any threads I'm leaving dangling. Oh, and I'm taking Cary with me... so you can't have her to play with either, nyah nyah nyah.

See you when I get back!!!

- Kate (Philotes, Bast, Kratos, Njord, Namtar, Hera & Eris)

[ viewing | August 29th, 2010 ]
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