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Number Seven! (Again) [26 Aug 2010|05:17pm]
Howdy, it’s Kate, with yet another character. So, after dropping Dysnomia, I apparently couldn’t give up the joy of having one of my critters related to the Neikea. I’m a weirdo.

Anyway, meet Eris, mother of the Neikea, twin sister to Enyo, sister to half of Olympus, Aunt to the other half… or is she? Given there is some discrepancies in her theoi entry, Eris is firmly of the belief that there is a conspiracy involved in her birth. And possibly the birth of Lethe. Then again, Eris sort of thinks that everything is a conspiracy. She has good reason to; she started most of the secret societies so she knows how easy it is to create a conspiracy.

Eris doesn’t wear a tinfoil hat, she’s actually extremely intelligent and inquisitive. But she might make you think you should be getting fitted for a helmet made of the shiny stuff. Oh, and it’s probably best not to irk her too much. She is Enyo’s twin, after all, and little sister to Ares… and she has a hell of a temper. You have been warned.

Her application is in her character journal. It’s friends-locked, but since I added all your lovely characters with the handy-dandy friends add button, you should be able to take a gander. And while she is wide open for plotting, it should be noted that I will be leaving next week for a trip and be out of town for a week, so whatever threads get started may have to be put on hold.

Herro [26 Aug 2010|08:20pm]
Hi. It's Mila. I've brought in a trio that's been kicking around for a while and finally couldn't stand it anymore because their mom has shown up.

So here they are. Zero, Xeno and Yjro. Their app is in their journal, please do have a look.

They're technically Olympians, even though they don't quite fit in with the rest of Olympus. They don't spend much time there. BUT I'm willing to have history with anybody if they'd like it. They haven't met very many of the Underworlders, but I suspect that they'd have more things in common with the darker sect of the Greeks.

I'm totally open to history with anybody, really.

And ideas. Ideas are also great for current times. Yes.

The boys will be out and about and terrorizing small puppies if anybody's interested.

[ viewing | August 26th, 2010 ]
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