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o hai thar [05 Aug 2010|07:02pm]
Hey everyone! It's Ali (aka Lethe/Makaria/Hebe)! I just wanted to let everyone know about my recent and mostly ongoing disappearence from online.

In July I went to the Emergency Room twice with some particularly painful leg pains. The first time they said it was a pulled/strained muscle. Like I pulled it and continued to do so for months and it couldn't heal if I continued working/moving etc. Also it was possible that I pinched a nerve. So they told me to do some stretches and take some pills. I was off a week. Back at work the next. Then the following week I couldn't walk without cringing.

Without crying.

So I went back to the ER and waited 4 hours for them to see me. They now think I slipped a disc/pinched a nerve and possibly worse. They don't know. They told me to go see a regular doctor, like a primary care person. Long story short. New pills. Off my feet for a few days and then spend an hour sitting, a half an hour (if I could) walking.

That was last week. I can still barely stand for longer than 10 minutes. And thats while cringing and cussing and anything to not think about the pain. So I've been away. The biggest part of this is I have no health insurance. So I have an appointment with Financial Aide next week to see if they'll cover my current expenses and future ones so I can see a doctor and get this fixed. Or you know.. an actual answer.

SO.. I don't know when I'll be back. But I've finally been able to sit up for longer than an hour and I'm mostly painfree with the sitting now.. I'm going to tag what I owe but I hope everyone understands that I can't be my quick old self just yet. I'm sorry to Cary and Dawn for leaving them hanging for awhile (though you guys knew what was going on).

Thanks guys. I miss you. I miss roleplay. I miss DRUNKENLY FALLING OUT OF PLOT CHATS (can't drink with the meds :( )


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