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plot. [19 Jul 2010|04:32pm]
i saw skadhi (i cannot spell to save my life today, too many work reports) wanted a piece o' me.

what's goin' on?

Ha! New Person Alert! :) [19 Jul 2010|09:45pm]
Look!  It's a new person!  :)

I'm Lisa, but seeing as you guys already have one of those (would you believe my Mother said "it was such an uncommon name" Yeah, right) - just use the last name.  I'm used to it - Riles or Riley work just fine.

Anyhoo - I'm taking on the role of Hades.  I guess I've been told "Go to Hell" enough times, that, well, it seemed the best fit?  :)  

Also....I already know that Hades' daughter Makaria is in the game, but besides that - If you had important interaction with this character in the past, please reply to this post and tell me about the history of those interactions.

Thanks all - I'm looking forward to RP'ing with all of you! 

[ viewing | July 19th, 2010 ]
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