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Plot Chat Summary - Posted! [11 Jul 2010|03:01am]
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[11 Jul 2010|09:26am]
Greetings from HotLantaSeattle.

I just wanted to apologise for the lateness of the replies I have in the current threads AND for not being able to be at the plot chat yesterday :( Our week of summer has arrived with a vengeance and we've had 85+ days for the past week and SOMEbody doesn't have AC so the heat is being very very mean to the computers in the house. It's cooling off today and if the power stays on, I am going to try and get them done.

And of course new plottiness is always a good thing too :)

(Nike, Peitho, Zephyrus, Eros)

[ viewing | July 11th, 2010 ]
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