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[29 Jun 2010|06:06pm]
I'm home, safe and sound. Not including encounters with water moccasins, cottonmouths, two copperheads and a slew of angry mahogany wasps, I am fully rested with little drama. It was a wonderful vacation to the Ozarks, but if I never encounter another deer fly, chigger or venomous snake again it will be too soon. Oy.

So, since the plot thread hasn't been touched much since I left, I figured I'd throw this out there.

Enyo - Nergal. Cary, I think your start of an idea is fantastic. Let me know if you want to go with it and what you've decided as far as more idea formulation.

Frigg - Could use some plot. I'll get her reply to Hera out either tonight or tomorrow.

Harmonia - Could use some plot. Ian, are we calling our thread done?

Iris - Could use some plot that doesn't involve Zephyrus.

Loki - Loki has plot. Kate when did we want to start that?

Neikea - All three could use a thread, but more specifically Neikos and Nikki.

Skadhi - Cary what's the status on our thread? Call it done? Skadhi could probably use another thread as well.

Any Takers?

~ Dawn

[ viewing | June 29th, 2010 ]
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