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Vacation, all I ever wanted... Vacation, have to get away... [03 Jun 2010|07:44pm]
Not exactly the correct lyrics, but close enough.

Hey everyone,

Just a heads up that I will be going on vacation soon. In like two weeks to be precise. Which is creeping up quickly on me. I'll be traveling to Missouri. Spittin distance from Arkansas to be exact. And I'll be tenting it in the beautiful Ozarks where I won't have cellular signal, let alone an internet connection to keep up with replies.

What does this mean for active threads I'm in? It means I'm looking to wrap up current threads in these next two weeks without starting any new ones unless we are sure we can get it done before I leave. Mostly because I feel horrible about leaving a thread hanging while I'm gone.

I'll be gone, officially, from 6/18 - 6/29. I'll be hitting up all my owed replies on Saturday as I'm exhausted tonight and have stuff going on tomorrow after work.

Love all of you!

~ Dawn

Enyo, Frigg, Harmonia, Iris, Loki, the Neikea, Skadhi

[ viewing | June 3rd, 2010 ]
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