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Yeah, me too. [20 May 2010|12:13pm]
While I'm not taking a vacation, I do have Kate and Kat coming into town this weekend. So obviously, I won't be on much again until Monday.

I'm going to do my very best (or better) to get my replies to Dawn and Lisa done tonight and before the partying starts this weekend. I think the ones I owe Kate can wait a couple of days.

Ali, when we both get back, I'll have Nergal run into Makaria if you would like.

Y'all behave. Play amongst yourselves. Try not to burn the temples down.

~Cary (Aphrodite, Artemis, Anubis, Hermod, Nergal, Pothos and Zelos)

[ viewing | May 20th, 2010 ]
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